Parsian Year 320, Lusitanians conquered the neighboring country, Maryam, then attacked Pars. That time, the Parsian crowned prince, Arslan, was fourteen years old...

he Heroic Legend of Arslan or Arslan War Record, is originally a novel (7 volumes) written by Yoshiki Tanaka, the famous Japanese writer who has also written The Legend of Galaxy Heros. The Heroic Legend of Arslan novels are not only in Japanese, but were also translated into Chinese(14 volumes). The story then has been made into an animation which includes 6 volumes of video tapes so far.(The first one was made a movie in 1990, under the name of "6-Dimension Heroic Legend")

The Heroic Legend of Arslan mangas (Japanese comic) (published by Asuka Comics DX) are drawn by Chisato Nakamura. Due to the popularity, the manga series, which ends up at volume 13, were also translated into Chinese and published by Tohan publishing company.

The background is set on an imaginary country, Pars. The story is about the adventure of a young Parsian prince, Arslan, who tries to fight back to Pars with his loyal friends. The story starts at the Parsian traitors collude with Lusitanians to rebel; Arslan flees under the help of a loyal knight, Darun. They gather up with a clever artist--Narsus, Narsus' servent--Elam, a beautiful priestess--Farangese, and a dissolute poet--Gieve, thus the gorgeous heroic advanture begins.

The story is full of exoticism. From the characters' clothing and language, it seems that most of the scenes take places in India, Arabia and some other eastern countries, and the story is probably loosely based on Persian myth and history.


Pars is probably not a totally imaginary nation but the Persian word for Persia. The Heroic Legends of Arslan is based on a Persian novel called "Amir Arslan," which was written a couple centuries ago in poetic style. The main character in "Amir Arslan", Arslan, is from a country called Room--maybe an alternative name of Rome. His kingdom was invaded when he was still in his mother's womb, and his mother was taken by the enemy to be sold as slaves.

-Information by Ali Tavakoly.

In the history of Ottoman Empire, there were 2 rich families in Lebanon that struggled for the supremacy until the middle of 1800 when an Egyptian general conquered Lebanon. Among these 2 families, one was called Jumblatt, and the other was Arslan. This information can be found in: D. GLIMOUR, "Libano un paese in frantumi" Edition: Ponte alle Grazie, 1989. This is the Italian translation of the original English version.

-Information by Alessio.



Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Volume 5

Volume 6

Volume 7

Volume 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

Volume 11

Volume 12

Volume 13


Ok, for those of you who are still confused about Arslan's family, click Arslan to see a diagram drawn by me:

Warning: Contains spoiler!




Here is the list of ISBN for Arslan fiction in Chinese (NOT mangas/comics). Also, this is the information for you who want to get Arslan Illustration:



ISBN4-04-852458-5 C0076 1900 Yen

Source: (Japanese)

--Thanks Ardis for the information!

Thanks Joyce for Arslan Part2 novel/fiction information!--"Arslan novel is translated into Chinese version as well but it was published extremely slowly. The second series is 3 years after the first series and Arslan has become the king of Pars. In this series, Arslan has to fight the snake king and its disciplines. Many other monsters appear in the story too."


Here is some *The Heroic Legend of Arslan* CD information :

A scan of "The Best of Arslan" manual.--Thanks Ryoma-Kathleen for the info.

The bellow links are broken, I'll get new info on CDs and update it!

CD 1(From video volume 1)

CD 2(From video volume2)

CD 3 (From video volume3&4)


Here are some useful links: of the largest stores online, you can search for Arslan videos/VCDs.

Heroic Legend of Arslan Music and Lyrics. -Some collection of sound clip and other Arslan info. for lots of anime, including Arslan, of course.

Arislan Senki: Music-Some background music of anime to download.


Crono Trigger is now trying to make a RPG game for Heroic Legend of Arslan. He needs help in character design from you! So, if you're interested, please e-mail him at:



The weather is cold! Let's have a cup of hot tea and talk about Arslan together.

Some people have asked me about the end of the anime. I myself don't have much information about the anime, but it seems that the anime is published quite slowly...and it doesn't seem to move on anymore. O_o;

Yoshiki Tanaka actually wrote another Arslan series--Heroic Legend of Arslan II. However, I know nothing about it--haven't read it, haven't even found them in bookstores. The novels are in Japanese only, I believe, and since I haven't read them, I don't know if there are illustration in them.

I'm welcoming any new information, especially Arslan II and music info, so don't hesitate to e-mail me if you've heard something new about Arslan. By the way, feel free to link my page. :)

(Special thanks to Simone, Ilsa, Shirley, Ivy and Kevin) I'm so glad that many people are supporting my page. Thank you very much.


I finally uploaded the pictures for "Picture Gallary" part. The layout is ugly but you can view all the pictures no problem. I'll improve the layout when I have time.

Crono Trigger is making an Arslan RPG game and needs help on character design and modification. If you're an expert, a beginner, or just simply interested in this project, please drop him an e-mail. (Please see "Crono Trigger Wants You!" part.)

Any question, suggestion, praise or complain? Please e-mail me

Last update: 02/09/2003

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