Special translation #31
From tankoubun 18, page 98, 99, 130, 160, 162
Translation by Yuki-chan

page 98
That sort of reason, Part I

Tsukasa: "...!! AA!! A sorcerboard!!"

Text: A sorcerboard..... is like a skateboard but it floats in the air

Sign pointing to the sorcerboard: New and in stock, the popular sorcerboard!! Price 57000 yen.

Tsukasa is plastered to the store window in awe. "...How kakkoii~~~..." She suddenly transforms into dog form. "Aa... I want to ride that and execute an acrobatic trick......"

Ryuji is standing beside her looking bored to tears. "... ...Isn't that... something you just ride?" {What's so cool about it?}

Tsukasa still has her hands on the store window as she turns to Ryuji in dismay. "...You really have no sense of youth......" {That line is like something a father would say to his child on a Sunday shopping expedition with the family.}

Ryuji: "Fun It's just that I don't have any interest in gaki's toys." {Let's go.} He turns and begins walking away.

Tsukasa pouts: "So I'm a child who has a heart for a gaki's toys!" {Well sooooorrrry!}

Ryuji: "---..."

Text: ------But Tsukasa-kun didn't know... That on that day, he would return to that store to get that sorcerboard.

To be continued.

Horizontal Chain

page 99
That sort of reason, Part II

Text: ---That evening, he came to buy the sorcerboard.

Ryuji starts as he realizes that the show window is now empty. "!!"

Text pointing to Ryuji: With his wallet.

Text pointing to the outline of the once present sorcerboard: It was here!

Text: ...However,

Store manager (male): "...I... I'm sorry...... The sorcerboard in the window......... was just sold a moment ago......!" A shadow is over his face as he quivers with fear.

Three other sales clerks (all women) cower in some distance away.

Sales clerk 1: "Manager! So honestly.......!"

Sales clerk 2: "I... It's a yakuza! He's going to crack! He's going to take out his gun!"

Sales clerk 3: "We're going to be killed---!"

Store manager, his voice quavering: "There aren't any in stock......"

Ryuji's hair seems to stand on end as a dark aura surrounds him. "......"

The sales clerks: {Iya~~~~!! He's angry! He's angry~~~ I really feel like we're going to die now---!}

Store manager: "It will be the beginning of next week when we'll get the next shipment......"

Ryuji looks crushed.

Sales clerk 3: {...A... This sudden hopeless aura...... I guess it can't be next week.}

Sales clerk 2: {...It seems that he truly wants it... and in the near future.}

Store manager, cautiously: "...Um... ...If you would like, I can contact all the stores in the country and ask if any are available..."

Ryuji: "!!" He nods enthusiastically.

Bun-san sweat drops behind him.

Text: A ray of light in the dark gloom. Will he be able to buy a sorcerboard!!?

To be continued.

Horizontal Chain

page 130
That sort of reason, Part III

Text: ---Four days later.

Tsukasa questions Bun-san. "...Hey, Bun-san?"

Bun-san: "N?"

Tsukasa: "...Don't you think Ryuji's kinda weird lately?" She's sitting on the sofa with her hands behind her head.

Bun-san: "? Are you sure?" He seems to be moving books/papers around.

They peek in on Ryuji who's in front of the computer.

He seems to be impatient/nervous, tapping on the desk. Suddenly, he seems to space out as he stares at nothing, and then shakes with silent laughter as his lips turn up at the corner.

Tsukasa, from behind the door/wall: "...Like that. He seems to be waiting for something, and then he kinda spaces out, but then does that strange laugh........."

Behind her, Bun-san is completely freaking out. {Ha...!! Even Sandaime does it too---!! To recall something and laughing---!!} [That last phrase is actually one word in Japanese......] {...But no...! That's not recalling something and laughing but more like laughing at his imagination, since tomorrow is.......}

"HAPPY --!! BIRTHDAY------!!" [in English]

Tsukasa's brothers, Kaya, Tsubaki and Azuma come bursting out with a present.


"June 16th! Happy birthday------!!"

Sho: "Here's your present---!!" He holds out a large flat box.

Tsubaki: "We all chipped in to get this!"

Text pointing to Toshi: Does this mean it's your birthday as well?

Tsukasa freaks out as she opens her gift. "A---!!! No way---! It's a sorcerboard------!!" {This---! I really wanted this---!!}

"I thought so~~~"


"That was the last one------!"

Tsukasa: "Seriously---!?"

Behind her, Ryuji is looking shocked with a dark shadow over his face. "---..."

Bun-san stands behind him sweatdropping.

She turns to her family and friends to hug them all, leaving a depressed Ryuji behind.

Tsukasa: "Thanks guys! I'm really happy about this!"

Ryuji: "------... ------..."

Bun-san: {...Sandaime... ...All the shops had none in stock and he even went as far as Kyushu to get it------... How unfortunate} [Kyushu is the southern most main island of Japan]

Text: And he was the one who was supposed to be hugged like that------------------------......

To be continued.

Horizontal Chain

page 160
That sort of reason, Part IV

Text: ---The next day.

Meiko: "Hai. All done." She applies the last bandage to Tsukasa's knees. Numerous bandages cover both elbows and knees. "It's all right to be practicing on your sorcerboard but how about the protective gear for when you fall?" She sighs.

Tsukasa shoots her clenched fist in the air. "No way! I've already figured it out so it's no problem---!" {Scars are a guy's pride!}

Meiko staggers away, her head in her hands. {Aa... Is the time really going to come when she starts acting/looking more like a girl...?}

Tsukasa starts as she notices something floating nearby. "N?" She stares at the huge pile of books and other items piled high on a sorcerboard. "..."

Text: Seems it's being used to create more space. [I think that's translated wrong......]

Tsukasa: "Meiko sensei, you had a sorcerboard too." {I didn't think it was something you liked......}

Meiko: "E? AA. Sandaime gave that to me yesterday saying he received it from somebody but that he didn't want it."

Tsukasa: "He!?"

Meiko: "I didn't think there was anyone who didn't know that Sandaime had no interest in such things." {Who was it anyways?}

Text: Meiko-chan doesn't know of Tsukasa's birthday.

Tsukasa: "---..."

Text: ...Ryuji-kun who was impatient about something for the last 2-3 days ... and--- that timely June 16th---

Tsukasa: "---..." She smiles softly.

Text: ...Tsukasa-kun had realized------------...

Horizontal Chain

page 162
That sort of reason, Part V

Tsukasa: "Ryu~~~ji~~~kun Let's go to school~~~"

Ryuji is wide-eyed as he realizes that Tsukasa is on one sorcerboard and holding a second one. "---..."

Tsukasa: "Ryuji you don't need this sorcerboard?" {I've heard from Meiko sensei!!} "Can I have this?"

Ryuji's eyes stare in disbelief at first, then soften as he smiles. "...What are you going to do with two at once?"

Tsukasa: "What are you talking about!? With two, I can do more advanced stunts!!" {I'm a super hero!}

Ryuji: "Stunt riding...? What the............"

The end.

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