Fawn's Family....

My Grandfather and Grandmother...

My Mother (left) and her baby Sister...

An older picture of My Mother and her two Sisters... starting from the left.. My Mom, her baby sister, and far right.. her older sister...

This is my family! This picture was taking in china, I'm the little girl in blue! :) Can't tell it's me? I know I was so much cuter then, wonder what happened?

My two wonderful grandparents! I love them to death!! My grandma is 80 years old as of Feb. 16 (the Chinese calendar, it's in late March here). My grandpa is 78 as of I'm not too sure when..ops... Just in case they ever look at this homepage, most likely they will never see this, but who knows. LOVE YOU GRANDMA AND GRANDPA!!!

Just a couple of pictures of my trip to China last summer 2000. It was such a blast I miss China so much, can't wait to go back again. See my grandparents and eat their food.

One of the many wonders of China. It's only 5 hours from the city I'm from. It was the most amazing few days I spent at the Mountain. The pictures does it no justice at all you'll have to be there to really trully appretiate the power fullness of the scene.

My little sister and I again enjoying some time in the sun in Beijing