Tenchi Forever
    Ryoko and Ayeka were fighting for Tenchi.  Sick of their constant arguments, Tenchi decided to go for a stroll in the forest.  A tree full of beautiful red flowers caught Tenchi's attention.  An image of a female appeared on the tree and reached out her hand, calling for Tenchi to go with her.  Tenchi followed her and vanished as he walked right in to the tree.
     Sixth months had passed...Tenchi was still missing.  His father finally went to report Tenchi as a missing person.  Ryoko and Ayeka continued to search for him.  They worked as waitresses in a cafe hoping to gather more information on his disappearance. 
     Tenchi woke up in a strange place not really knowing where he was.  He appeared to be older, and his hair was long to his back.  A beautiful woman called for him to get ready for school.  Her name was Haruna.  She served him some breakfast.  Apparently, she was either his girlfriend or wife.
     Tenchi set off for school afterwards.  He drew and painted a portrait of Haruna.  Somehow, in his mind, he kept seeing images of Ryoko and decided to draw a sketch of her.  Haruna found the sketch and destroyed it when he wasn't home. 
     Ryoko and Ayeka saw Tenchi but found it strange that he was older.  Every time they attempted to chase after him, he would vanish in to nowhere.  One time, the cafe they worked in, managed to shift into a different parallel world where Tenchi and Haruna appeared right in front of Ryoko and Ayeka.  Attemptting to touch Tenchi, Ryoko and Ayeka realized that Tenchi was not really there.  He was just a hologram.  In fact, he couldn't even see them standing in front of him.  The odd thing was that Haruna was staring straight at them with extremely cold eyes, as if she could see them.  Before Ryoko and Ayeka could do anything, the cafe shifted back in to it's original state and Tenchi vanished along with Haruna.
     Sasami found out about Haruna and Lord Yosho during her visit to Jurai.  At the same time, Washu found out about the cafe incident with Haruna and Tenchi.  Washu, the genius, of course figured out what was happening and immediately tries to find a solution for the problem through her computer.
     Lord Yosho, Tenchi's grandfather, had a bad feeling that the tree had something to do with Tenchi's disappearance.  He visited the tree and remembered about his first love as he stared at it.  He sat in front of a small fire debating whether he should destroy the tree or not.  Washu appeared in the flames of the fire to ask Lord Yosho about Haruna.
     Washu figured out a way for the real world to emerge into the parallel world.  She asked Kiyone and Mihoshi to help her out putting up devices around trees from different areas.  They did as they were asked and the journey to bring back Tenchi begun.
     Ryoko and Ayeka flew down to Haruna's world and found Tenchi.  Unfortunately, he didn't remember them at all.  His head began to hurt the more he thought about it.  Haruna used her powers to throw Ryoko and Ayeka back to the real world.
     Back and forth the two worlds, Ryoko and Ayeka didn't give trying to bring back Tenchi with them.  The same day kept repeating for Tenchi again and again.  Every time, he appeared to remember more and more about what had happened and about Ryoko and Ayeka.  Ryoko was starting to feel hopeless after so many tries, especially when Tenchi told them to leave.   
     Lord Yosho couldn't wait any longer.  He had to save his grandson before it was too late, so he took out his sword and cut open the tree.  A young version of Lord Yosho appeared in front of Haruna begging her to let Tenchi go.  Memories of Lord Yosho and herself flashed through Haruna's mind.  They have left their own planet in order to be together, but Haruna became ill and died before they could make it to the new planet.  Since then, she had always wanted to have a happy life with the man she loved.  Like the life Yosho had with his new love after Haruna's death.  She picked Tenchi, because he reminded her of Yosho when he was young.  Haruna finally realized what she was doing and agreed to let Tenchi go.  She then took the portrait that Tenchi painted of her and vanished with young Yosho. 
     Ryoko returned one last time to bring Tenchi back with her.  Tenchi took off the ring that he and Haruna bought for each other, and he placed it on the table next to the fallen red flower.  The parallel world faded as Ryoko brought him back to the real world.
     Things went back to normal at home.  Tenchi went back to his younger self.  Ryoko found him sitting in front of a lake doing some sketches.  Tenchi decided to start drawing as a result of the influence he got from the parallel world.  The two then stood up and stared out at their beautiful world.

Summary by: Swallow  (11-7-00 )
Cartoon Corner
Masaki Tenchi
Released in: September 14, 1999
Movie Length: 95 minutes