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Wallace & Gromit
Here are the three animated short created by Nick Park, which made Wallace & Gromit famous and loved by everyone from around the world.
A Grand Day Out
     Wallace, the wacky inventor and his smart and loyal dog, Gromit, were deciding on where to go to take their next small vacation.  Thinking took a lot out of them, so Wallace decided to have some tea and his favorite snack, cheese, with some crackers.  Wallace found all the crackers that he needed, but searched in vain there was no cheese anywhere.  Unfortunately the local store was closed due to the bank holidays.  So Gromit and Wallace dug through brochures and magazines to find a perfect place for cheese.  Suddenly an idea popped into their heads and they simultaneous looked up at the moon.  Wallace then said, "Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese."
        Wallace went to his basement and started on plans for a rocket ship.  They made it from scratch and within a day.  Wallace and Gromit worked side-by-side in the preparation, painting the rocket bright red-orange. (Mik's note: funny thing and scene, Gromit was the one using the power tools and he's the pilot!)   After they were done and lit the fuse, Wallace checked on the supplies and realized they forgot the crackers.  So only had 60 seconds before blast off to get the crackers and get back on board.  Amazingly, Wallace made it within 10 seconds, but the ship didn't move after countdown.  How come not moving? Oh...forgot the brakes, and off they went.
       They landed on the moon, played a little ball and found a place to have their picnic. (Mik's note: it's funny the ball that Wallace kicked up in the air never returned, yet they still remain standing without spacesuits. Hee..hee.) Wallace cut off a small piece of the moon.  After tasting it, he wondered what it was.  It was definitely not Wensleydale, his favorite cheese.
       So they decided to move to new location.  Suddenly they came upon a robot, like an old fashion oven or perhaps a washing machine.  There's a slot, so Wallace place a coin there and the robot came to life.  The little robot found their stuffs and scanned through a skiing magazine, which caught its interest.  The little guy goes after the unwanted visitors with a police baton, but it went offline just as it was about to strike Wallace on the head.  Seeing the robot again, Wallace placed another coin the slot.  As Wallace and Gromit had their filling and supplies of moon cheese, they decided to return to Earth.  The little robot wanted to go back with them, but Wallace and Gromit saw the robot as a threat and set off an emergency blast off.  The little robot gone on the rocket ship, but was blown out of the ship after lighting their fuse box with a match.  Fortunately, the robot torn off two long strips of metal from the ship creating skis to ski on top of the moon's many mountains.  As it continues to ski, it waved farewell to Wallace and Gromit, who in turn waved back to the happy little machine.

By Miky 7-9-00
The Wrong Trousers
     It's Gromit's birthday!  He went to pick up the mail and found a birthday card addressed to him from Wallace.  After Gromit pressed the bed buttion, Wallace dropped down from his bed into a pair of trouser to his sleeves and sweater vest and finally landing on his chair.  That's when Gromit pressed another button sending Wallace some flying jam into a popped up toast.  While reading the mail, Wallace found out they must rent out the extra room to pay for the mounting bills.  Thinking that Wallace forgot his gift, Gromit continued to read his newspaper until Wallace slipped that the gifts were not cheap.  The toy train arrived with the first part of Gromit's gift, a collar and a leash.  The second part was a techno-trousers from EX-NASA, which scared the living daylight out of Gromit, was designed to take Gromit for walks.
      Someone rings the bell after Wallaced posted the room for rent.  The tenant was a penguin known as Feathers McGraw.  Wallace showed him the extra room, but McGraw wanted Gromit's room, forcing Gromit into the smaller one.  They decorated the new room with bone wallpapers and with the techno-trousers, Gromit was able to paint the ceiling with ease.  McGraw saw the trousers and saw a use for it.  During the night, McGraw kept on playing the music, "Tie a Yellow Ribbon."  A frustrated Gromit move out of the new room to the living room, and finally to the outside doghouse. Even knocked on McGraw's door but no one answered then he noticed the peguin leaving the house.  Gromit was very sad and it showed in his eye bags.  Gromit had enough, decided to run away from home.
       McGraw's plan was successful in getting rid of Gromit and started working on the techno-trousers.  The next time, Wallace fell from his bed, he landed in the techno-trousers, which was now remote controlled by McGraw. (Mik's note: thus gives the name of the movie, "The Wrong Trousers.") Sent Wallace into the street jumping, flying, and crashing around the town that eventually worn him out.  As Gromit looked for a new place to live, noticed the wanted poster for a chicken for $1000, which looked awfully familiar.  Feathers McGraw jotted notes down behind a building as Gromit looked on from under a box.
      When Gromit investigated McGraw's room, he found the blueprint for the city museum diamond exhibition, especially for the "Blue Diamond."  Later he realized that McGraw was the wanted chicken he noticed earlier.  With Wallace worn out, McGraw sent him into the city museum to steal the diamond using the techno-trousers.  Out of the commotion of the security alarm, Wallace awoke screaming for Gromit to rescue him.  McGraw placed Wallace into the closet and was later confronted by Gromit with a rolling pin, which was no match for McGraw's gun.  Gromit was also locked into the closet, but with quick thinking on his part escaped using the techno-trousers.  The thief slide down the banister with Gromit right behind and onto the toy train. (Mik's note: it's one of the most exciting and funny train chases ever!)  The heroes got their man (oh...I mean penguin) and diamond, also put the trousers into good use, sending McGraw into police headquarters.  A penguin in a human jail? Well...not quite, but in a zoo, a jail for animals.  The reward money they got paid off their debts and the techno-trousers were thrown into the trash.  Was that the end of the trousers...well it did had a happy ending of sorts..it walked away by iteself into a beautiful sunset.

By Miky 7/9/00
A Close Shave
     In the middle of the night, a baby sheep escaped from a large green truck and entered into Wallace and Gromit's home.  Their new job now after the wrong trousers incident was "Wallace & Gromit's Wash N' Go Window Cleaning Service."  It was Tuesday, Porridge Day, but the machine gone haywire squirting porridge everywhere.  Gromit noticed the machine wires had been chewed on.  Then he noticed a leaf had a bite mark to the next moment the entire plant disappearing.  Wallace received a call and off they went in their Batman-like system to work.
      Arrived at the wool shop at High Street, where Gromit did all the window washing using cleaning items and a bungee cord.  Wallace met Wendolene Rumsbottom, the owner of the shop and her dog, Preston. It was love at first sight for Wallace.  After returning from the job, they found their house in shambled: the culprit was the little sheep.  They named the sheep, Shaun, after putting it through "Wallace's Knit-O-Matic," which was supposed to give him a wash, but ended up a close shave.  Preston had followed them home, sneaked in and stole the blueprint to the Knit-O-Matic.
      Their next job assignment was the Big Clock, which was right across from the wool shop.  Wallace went inside to talk to Wendolen, while Gromit continued to work.  Gromit noticed Shaun sticking out of a hole, so he pierced through the same hole, ended up taking an incriminating picture with Shaun.  Later he saw Shaun and the other sheep in trouble, so he realeased them from the truck but got locked up as a sheep rustler.  Wendolene told Wallace to stay away from her, her shop, and she was terribly sorry about Gromit.
      At the jail, Gromit received a puzzle from a friend, where after he finished that Wallace and all of the sheep were coming to make his escape.  Everyone was a fugitive, so they left to go to the countryside, where Wallace found out Wendolene and Preston were behind the sheep rustling. There was a hilarious chase scene were all the sheep were packed on Wallace's bike forming some amazing formations.  But still they ended up caught inside the truck.  Gromit's passenger seat for the bike got loose, turning into a small plane chasing after Preston and everybody.  Preston managed to evade Gromit, but luckily Shaun pressed some button leading Gromit to their whereabouts.
      Preston threw them all into the "Preston's Knit-O-Matic." Gromit found them, push Preston into the machine instead.  However only to find out that Preston was no ordinary dog, but a cyber dog created by Wendolene's father. (Mik's note: This is the dog version of the Terminator, "I'll be Bark!" ^-^)  Somehow everyone ended up on the conveyor belt on the dog food machine, "Preston's Mutton-O-Matic."  Little Shaun was the one to save the day, pushing Preston into the mutton machine turning it into scraps.
     Wallace redesigned Preston into a simpler dog with a remote control and four wheels.  He offered cheese to Wendolene, but she refused because she couldn't take the stuff.  He asked her, "not even Wesleydale?"  Thinking he would have more cheese to himself, he opened the lid to find Shaun had eaten it all.  Shaun laughed  very happily as Wallace ordered Gromit to get him.

By Miky 7/10/00
Cartoon Corner