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Hi and welcome to my Max, Naime Amuro and Utada page! I guess I am about 85% done... or atleast what I want up is up... but feel free to look around. Problems with the page? suggestions? email me at BTW Please send any news info about Utada Hikaru to me... as it is hard for me to find any info since i dont know any japanese


(05/29/00)hehehe... well finally made an update and the discography's have all been updated except for utada's wait'n see... that will be up soon... but namie and max are all updated...

(04/11/00)wow its been ages since i've been to the site... hehehe... but university is taking its toll... anyways my final exam is on the 25th of this month so a major up date is due sometime after the 25th... might add another section on DO AS INFINITY

(12/09/99)although nothing new is up... i just want to tell everyone that a major update is coming up... after the 20th for sure because that is when my exams are over... so please bear with me till then...

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