
Hey look I finally got an update page, yeah for me!! ::applause::

1/17/00 (Martin Luther King jr. Day^_^)

Ok I put some banners up, created this page and well I'm going to be kinda busy for awhile this next week is exams so if I don't update for awhile sorry its not because I'm ignoring you or anything^_-


Yeah I'm officially in the YYH forever fornever webring, is'nt that cool? I uploaded some pics too.....pretty soon my amiboshi/suboshi pics will be up^_-


Umm.. okay I put a kenshin gallery up yesterday and I’m starting on a Ranma one ......Here’s just a question for all you out there, have you ever gone to like a fast food place and when you were throwing your wrappers and junk away also thrown the little tray thingy away with it?? The only reason I’m asking is ‘cause I’ve done it twice and....well I’d say it was just exam week except that the first time was over the summer....^_^ anyways exam week is finally over I’m so glad.....I have never crammed so entirely much ever, and you know what I don’t think it helped at all!! Have you ever been to a hollywood video?? ‘cause I whent to one today and it had a really good selection of anime...like all the Arislan movies and Here is greenwood... and I was really pumped until I realized a.) I don’t belong to their membership renty-thing and b.) that even if I did belong to it I live so very absolutley far away from it as to make joining almost pointless...oh a single tear...Have you noticed how this page has become less of an updates page and more of a dated set of ramblings??


Hey I finally updated!! umm. there are more banners and I have a guestbook,FINALLY!I've had access to a photoshope thingey this weekend and can finnally alter some pics...sorry but I've mostly been working on my new utena page this weekend (http://geocities.datacellar.net/Tokyo/Blossom/7326) and its not even halfway up yet^_^


Hmm...well I added some pics and well this is going to be my last update for about a week 'cause OK for the last while or so my computer monitor has refused to show the color red and everything is..well..blue. So that being umm not normal the monitors going away to be fixed and just how much work can you do on a monitorless computer?? OH, by the way have you ever seen 3x3 eyes? or read the manga-well its really really good so if you know where you can buy it or are selling some stuff email me at moongoddess@sailormoon.com....I'd be really appriciative ^_^so uh not much more to say...yeah I diud really good on my exams-except for Biology (I got an 80) so I'm really happy!!!^_^


Well I now have an Escaflowne image gallery..well..actually its probably more truthful to call it a Vsn gallery, but anyway...I started Gundam Wing and its sooo cool!!! So there's going to be a gallery for that (espeacially Heero ^_-) pretty soon...monitors stil of in Buffu land getting fixed so I have to use the school computers to update and teachers are always lookin' right over my shoulder going "Is that email? Because your not allowed to use email here!!" and I'm like "nooo..its not email its my webpage.." and then there's more questions and its really embittering(<----I can't believe i just used the word 'embittering' in a sentance!! actually I use all the time its just a webpage first^_^)...its way to late so my ranting is becoming even nore disjointed than usual....just so you know at this moment 100 people have come and seen my page, does'nt that just make you wanna go WOW? ok..not really but you know its kinda sad when only (for a breif moment there I had absolutly no idea how to spell 'only'-god its really late) anyway when only 3 people have signed your guestbook and one of them was a friend you made do it but anyway there will be no self-pity here!!Dang, I have just rambled on...ig your still reading this...well..I really can't comment on that after all you are visiting my page^_^ I'm not doing one of those "oh my page sucks so much" things because while its not a great page I am rather fond of it and actually pretty proud of it...oh a sudden thought has come if you anna see the most hilarious thing in the world, go to this site a href="http://geocities.datacellar.net/Toky--Oh dear lord its sooo late that I started typing in my own address^_^ this is the right one heehee yoou'll like it ?I promise...oh zzzzz....I have so got to get some sleep so until next time ja!


Hola! Ok I put up an image gallery for Studio Ghibli works and one for tuxedo mask and for Sailor Uranus...its taking me longer to put these up because yes I'm making thumbnails for all the pics...Uhh...HTML, if you look at those pages you'll note a certian bitterness directed towards HTML, trust me you'll notice...um..I updated the links page and pretty soon my adopt an anime character page thing will be up^_^ NOW are you happy??!!


yeah tonights the semiformal!!!going stag, but hey thats normal...there's a second Uranus gallery up and thats all right now^_^


You know its 3:14 in the morning or late SATURDAY...but I have added..actually not much, but the fushigi yugi gallereis are all thumbnailed (sorta) and subdirecterized (^_^ heehee I made that up!)....hmm..tired..anyway I um...updated the updates page (^_^heehee), added a page for my webrings, created a entrance image...heehee made a gourry (?) background, and...gosh..I did other stuff....uh..created an award the "extra special and totally cool anime award" yeah I know your just dying to win it, lined up in droves you are-wow sarcasm girl returns....I guess cause only 133 people have been here and well thats annyoning 'cause most of those hits were from me...sorry its late the dance was just about no fun and I'm in a bad bad mood...on the bright side I made gourry wallpaper^_^


Goody I've been sick for the last couple of days so I've had some time. Now there's a yusuke image gallery and you can win 1 of 2 awards ^_^, oh yeah I also started the official tasuki fangirl club so join^_^ ummm...well thats all^_^


Yeah! I updated, and yet still I'm sick....so there's more pictures in the kenshin gallery and the Gundam wing gallery is almost up all the way^_^ umm..there are 2 awards you can win (yeah!!) and there's other stuff, hey 200 people have been here as of today!!!Thats about all...hey someone mail me if you know if there's a kenshin no miko okay, I've mentioned that quite allot throughout this page but...who knows what parts of this page you visit^_^ja..


Yeah I'm writing about my updates finally!!! Okay I now have a captioned pic page, a gundam gallery, more kenshin, more sailor moon, more hiei, more fushigi yugi and many more editied pics including at least two new backgrounds^_^ wow am I tired....hey I'm not sick anymore ^_^so....Its really really late and I don't know what else to write-oh yeah I whent through this page piece by peice and there should'nt be any broken links unless its a gallery thats not up yet...and the adoptions page is all set up so go there, yeah I have a submit form and everything!!!and thats about all....for now...like my new background??


well dear lord have I been uploading like crazy...there are more misc. pics and more graphics, another banner, more backgrounds, more gundam-Dou's gallery is almost up^_^, my rayearth gal is almost up...same with my ranma....does'nt sound like allot but..well in the last 4 hours my computer has froze over 4 time once in the middle of restarting..and on this computer for some unkown reason the only way I can upload a pic is if I put it through photoshop first! *sigh* its exhausting^_^.....please email me or sign my guestbook-I really put allot of time into this page and..well if you sign my page I will go to your page and eventually you'll go on my links page...oh duh yeah and I added an image gallery for angel sanctuary....it is 2:42 a.m.-please forgive me for my spelling and....you get it....happy weekend!!


So well...I just got a new imac (green^_^) and a scanner so a fanart gallery and stuff should be up soon, once I figure how to upload on an imac....right now it won't work. this site in the next oh month or so is going to have some issues cause I only have so much free memory left on geocities, I am working on getting a domain name and junk but, well...anyway^_^


wow that last update was'nt much of an update was it? well I have added pics to the following galleries: gundam, sailor moon, fushigi yugi, ranma. I added people to the adoption page, updated the FANGirl page, fixed links, made more backgrounds and another banner^_^ damn it is way to late/early whatever you would like to call 3:37am...To get to the fanart page you'll have to go to a differant page I'm almost out of space on this page....anyway this really has'nt been the best week for me so..my gerbil died, I had exams, and well other things but whatever, have fun...


Well there will be no more uploading of pics for awhile ::sadness::, however I did just update the links page and I've fixed some stuff up...sorry its jut been not a good time as of late you know how it is..I missed first honors by .o8 of a point!!! I have a 3.417 and you need a 3.5!!!so frustrating, anyway....there have been over 500 hit and thats cool^_^


Actually its 12:07am, but anyway this is my first update in a while...seee the problem is that I'm running out of space and well lately I've been studying like hell to bring my math grade up cause well its really bad, getting better but still not good.. Anyway what I'm doing is starting a new page, "Kenshin no miko's bishonen shrine" but thats not ready soooo...I mostly worked on the adoption page-I added a kurama, akane, ryouga, and another venus...I also fixed the Duo pic/links and the submit form ^_^ I also added Gallery 4 to the sailor Uranus gallery. Please if someone knows how to make thumbnails tell me^_^ hey 656 people have been here-YEAH!!! ohh yeah and today I got my braces off finally...^_^

Look at my Dilandu pic-hahah he cracks me up...Umm...return to Choka's page...