The Greatest Anime Hot Shot Award
The Greatest Anime Hot Shot Award is for anime pages that rank far above all the rest. They don't just strive for perfection, they are perfection. They are the queen of the crop, and they are hard to follow. The pages that recieve this award are looked up to by all- a terrific example. You must have variety, be organized, and it must look outstanding. If you have an anime page and you think it rocks, then e-mail me. You must have a nice site design, better spelling then mine, good grammer, zero or one link or picture. I mostly look for nice site design and managebility.
This is for a sharp looking page, new ones or pages with new info. A page with character, enthusiasm, and effort. You don't have to have a perfect page, you don't have to have a great page, just a good one; one you can be proud of.
Ryo-ohki's Ultimate Cuteness Award is an award for the net's cutest anime pages. Pages that are so cute that is makes you sick! Pages that are so sweet they give you cavities. Pages so sugery and full of aweful cuteness that it's bright to look at and yet you get a headache anyway. This award is for pages that are cute only. It's hard to win because it's hard to make a page cute and informative with all the stuff you're looking for. This award goes out when ever it wants, just like The Anime Hot Shot Award. It's not a monthly prize. But still, it is a great honor. Many pages strive for cuteness, but only Ryo-ohki, knows the cutest. Good luck, to all of you. May the cutest page win!
Awards are anime only. E-mail me. You must put http:// in front of the address and have your page name in the letter, or you can kiss you chance good bye. I'll decide what you get but you can request which one you would like. :) Good luck. I'll soon have more award pictures for the same award, then you can pick which award you want.
Ryo-ohki's Ultimate Cuteness Award!
Adopt a Tenchi Character Page
The Ultimate Sailor Moon Site
Courtenay's Humble Ranma Pgae
The Pretty Soldier Astronomical Society
If you have won an award from me and I do not have a link to you, please e-mail me and I will put a link up to you.
E-mail me the Following
Billboard Home Ranma Rayearth
Sailor Moon
Links Me