Association for Youth Brass and Woodwind Orchestras in Taarnby

Harmony Orchestra Taarnby

Copyright © 1998

"HOT" is youth orchestra situated in Taarnby, Denmark.

In 1995, on the initiative Tårnby Council,  Ulf Nordlund was comissioned to build a harmony orchestra consisting of children from the communities  five schools. With the music school in Taarnby as provider, instruments were purchased and children, regardless of race, social level, handicap or musical talent, were invited to an evening under which they were able to try the different types of  instruments. This was possible with the  assistance  of expert help of professional musicians (some of whom are still with the orchestra as instructors). Through this initiation process, an initial 50 children were recruited to (as it was then named)  "The School Orchestra".

The deal was , that the orchestra members are issued an instrument free of charge by Taarnby Music School and could keep the instrument for as long as they were an active part of the orchestra - the only condition being, enrolment in the music school - and it worked!!
During the first  year, children between the ages of  9 to 11 played together as one.  In fact, so much had been achieved with their musical study and co-operation that they were confident and clever enough to appear twice on national television, perform in concert side by side with adult orchestra's and release their own CD consisting of no less than 14 tracks.

"HOT" is now 3½ years old and is going into a new fase. From the 1st January 1999 the orchestra is going to be led by Paul Holford an english musician and ex "Black Dyke  Band" cornetist. Paul will receive the full support of "FUT" and it is our hope that the orchestra, under his direction, will be the best in its class in Denmark.

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