1.Composers from all countries and tendencies can enter this contest, on condition that the works are original and unpublished and have never been broadcast or sung in public, either total or fragmentarily.

2.Each composer can present only one work.

3.The composition will be for mixed choir "a capella" and its lyrics be any religious text in latin with a minimum of 6 and a maximum of about 9 minutes long.

4.Composers who have won any of the previous editions of this contest won't be allowed to take part in this edition.

5.The works must be clearly. Three copies must be sent.

6.The works will be presented with a motto, with no sign that could made the identification of the author possible. A sealed envelope containing the motto, the title of the composition, the author's full name, address and phone number must be enclosed.

7.There's a prize of 2.400 €. which may not be awarded if the Jury considers none of the works deserves it.

8.The works must be sent to Segorbe's Town Council before 13:00 pm on july, 15, 2009.

9.The compositions should be sent to:

Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Segorbe

(Concejalía de Cultura)

Pza. Agua Limpia

C.P. 12400 Segorbe (Castellón)


either in person or by certificase post, considering the sender's name must not appear on the envelope if the work is sent by post.

10.Segorbe's Town Council will in no case be responsable of the loss or damage in the works received by post.

11.If once the jury has chosen the winning work this is proved not to have the conditions expressed in these bases, the prize will be considered void.

12.The works which haven't been awarded can be taken back by their authors or any authorised person in three months from the date the winning composition is made public. lf the works haven't been claimed after this time they will pass to be the property of the town Council, after opening the sealed envelope so that the composer's name may appear on the score.

13.The winning work will be given its premiere in the concerts of the XXVI Choral Festival of 2010.

14.The work which is given the award will be published by Jaime Piles publishing house in Valencia with the corresponding copyright according to the prevailing legislation.

1 5.The edition will show the inscription: "Premio de Composición Coral Juan Bautista Comes" 2009 on its front cover.

16.The Jury will be composed by prestigious musicians whose names will be made public together with their final decision.

17.The Jury's decision will be made public on July, 25, 2009, and will be reflected in the different means of communication.

18.The Jury's reunions will be held under the Presidence of Segorbe's Mayor and the Secretary will be the one in the Town Council, or someone on their behalf. Both of them will have no vote even if their opinions could be asked for. The opening of the sealed envelopes will be done by the Secretary of the Town Council, who will testify to the Jury's decision.

19.Entering this contest implies the total acceptance of its bases. The Jury's final decision will be unappealable.

20.The interpretation of these bases will be the exclusive competence of the Jury corporatively constituted.


SEGORBE, february 2009.