e mail fastguitar@yahoo.com Welcome To Fastguitar

Fastguitar Develops and Promotes Musicians.

Hello my name is Peter Lewandowski.
Fastguitar is a focal point for musicians to work together to create recordings of their original songs. We have many different styles represented in the group. For example rock, jazz, instrumental, and blues.

Fastguitar is also a band.

You will find many of our songs speak of our faith in Jesus. My goal is to work with musicians and record their songs under the Fastguitar label.
This web site is a way for you to get to know the musicians and their music.
We are located in Minnesota and you may receive our CD for free by writing to us.

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listen to the song PSALM 40


Don Anderson--vocals --guitar
Thor Anderson--piano
Troy Clair--vocals --guitar
Scott Crosby--saxaphone
Angelyn Early--vocals
Jim Early--vocals
Josiah Early--vocals
Ann Fure--vocals
David Heinkel--percussion
Aaron Johnson--drums--vocals--guitar
David Lewandowski--vocals
Peter Lewandowski--guitar--vocals--piano
Glen Limstrom--drums
Brian Ricke--drums
Michael Rowcliffe--guitar
Bob Schumack--vocals--guitar
Casey Schutrop--vocals
Bryan Winters--bass