Maniac Butcher / Dark Storm split-EP'96

Maniac Butcher / Dark Storm split-EP

15 mins of fast pure Black Metal
3 songs

Line-up of Maniac Butcher :
Barbarud Hrom - roarrr, lyrics
Vlad Blasphemer - guitar, music
Lord Unclean - guitar, bass
Michael - drums

Line-up of Dark Storm :
Barbarud Hrom - roarrr, lyrics
Vlad Blasphemer - drums, music
Martin Desecrator - guitar
C.O.F.F.E. - guitar

Recorded in Benas-sound in Summer'96

Price :
EP - 50 Kc+p. / 5 USD / 8 DEM

For more infos you can contact
Maniac Butcher - official web-site here.

Ordering info

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