Graduation Ephemera

rusty-its-grad thumbnailrusty-its-gradrev thumbnail1ITS-grad thumbnailbland-sfc thumbnailvirden-menu thumbnailvirden-menu2 thumbnail4sfts-menu thumbnail11sfts-menu5aos-menu thumbnail1AOS-grad thumbnail4AOS-grad thumbnail8aos thumbnail8aos1 thumbnailOf course a fuss was made about graduating from the different levels of the BCATP, . And for each occasion, there was some sort of menu, programme, or other such document which became a remembrance for the grad. I have a special place in my heart for the first two, both sides of Rusty Haug's ITS Flight Party programme, as it is mimeographed, hand-coloured and is just a standard-sized blue sheet folded twice. Also, in the bottom right-hand corner of the menu side are the signatures of Bill Skoropad, Stan Shepherd and Fred Rayment. Bill's widow, Catherine, Stan and Fred were all instrumental in the research leading to making the film "Missing On Way Back", mentioned in the section below on Rusty. Rusty's signature is on the front (D.J. Haug).

Following that are two of Eric Bland's menus, the first from his ITS (probably Trenton) and next his Saskatoon Flying Club graduation, pre-BCATP, but later designated an EFTS. Next is a #23 EFTS menu from Virden (both sides, very funny use of aero-terminology), then a couple of SFTS menus (Saskatoon and Yorkton). Finally there are four samples of AOS graduation programmes for wings ceremonies (Winnipeg, MB, Malton, ON, London, ON and Ancienne Lorette, PQ). 1