- The conductor
- Stoyan Kralev
- "MADRIGAL" - Sofia is founded in 1972 by the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture in order to make popular the music
- of the Renaissance among the Bulgarian musical youth.
- After a long and precise selection among 200 persons, have been chosen 24 singers - 12 women and 12 men.
- First rehearsal - 29.02.1972. First concert - 23.10.1972.
What kind of qualities have to posses the singers of "Madrigal" - Sofia
- beautiful timbre voices, musical-theoretical preparation;
- mild Slavonic sonority;
- ability to perform soloist roles, in spite of their difficulty;
- pleasant and pretty appearance, artistic presence, suitable "mise en scene" and dancing abilities;
- predominant age - between 22 - 30 years old;
- continuously to keep their own vocal form, taking lessons with authoritative vocal pedagogues;
- participation in singers conquests, to give one-man shows - guest performances in different opera- theatres and symphony orchestras;
- to have the use of a musical instrument - piano, string or wind instrument;
- basis of the vocal style - "bel canto";
- Artistic faith: " In music, just like in love, man has to be honest."
"It's not difficult to be on the stage. It's difficult to invite you there again."
- Comment
" Si pour entendre de nouveau le choeur "Madrigal" je dois y aller a pied…"- /Festival de Paques, musique et art religieux,Tarbes 1977/
" Si les rives de la Mediterranee et de l'Adriatique sont toujours le paradis du bel canto,- celles de la Mer noir n'ont rien a leur envier."
- /Guest France,Nantes 1979/
" Il y a dans cet ensemble des "Voix d'or" que bien des operas nationaux seraient heureux d'avoir
pour leur premiers roles."- /Le Provencal",Avignon 1981/
" Magnifico Coro!Magnifico Director,Stoyan Kralev,que sabe ilevar en la pounta de lao dedos las
oces de sus cantores!"- /Lose Colina "El notre de castilla"1983/
" The most southem part of Japan,the town of Kagoshima,heard a splendid choir.It was sung many
and beautiful songs that move the soul and make the heart in one with the music."- /Kagoshima,Japan,1983/
" The huge audience was left in no doubt that the Bulgarians are an exceptional Chamber Choir.
The singing was a revelation ofmarvels-intoned by angels."- /Sydney Moming Herald,Austria,1985/
" The choir is one of the most accompished vocal ensemble in the world.- The deapth of performance is ambassadors for Bulgaria."
- /Stephen Hall,General Manager of the Sydney Festival,Australia,1985/
" Die Chore sind mit schonen melodischen Linien ausgezeichnet gellugen und werden mit der vo
rliegenden Aufnahme von dem exellenten Sofioter Kammerchor mit groper Klangschonheit stillecht
dargeboten."- /Riccardo Zandonai "Francesca da Rimini"-das Operglas,Februar 1998/
"El Coro Madrigal de Sofia,en efecto,se nos manifesto como un buen ejempio de lo que son estos co
njuntos en los paises de la Europa del Este.Disciplinados y precises,los cantates presentan tal
potencial de instrumentes,que aun siendo de un numero razonablemente reducio,suenan igual(cuando
no major)que grandes coros sifonicos."- /La Provincia,Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,15 Abril 2000/
" Chor von Weltformat sang sich in die Herzen…Die Art des Vortrags war:"Wienerisch vollkomen-
vollkomen wienerisch."- /Erika Leitner,Ausserferner nachrichten,27.Juli.2000/
"…The Sofia Madrigalists is ensemble of high qualiti, They sing wonterful
nd are very beautiful and artistic"- /Seoul - 2001/
"Welch wunderbare Stimmen! - solistische Meisterleistungen! In ausgeglichener Zusammensetzung!
Solch ein Ensemble muss einfach gut ankommen!"- /Konzert des Solistenensembles "Madrigal-Sofia" in Wien im Spiegel den Publikumsstimmen,04.August.2004/
"La ferveur du Madrigal de Sofia"- ( 17.12.2004 / Mulhouse ville )
"Troublantes voix de Sofia"- ( N°295 - Jeudi 16 Decembre 2004 / Obernai )
"La magie des voix bulgares"- ( N°297 - Samedi 18 Decembre 2004 / Culture et loisirs )