For all Emerson, Lake & Palmer fans out there, here is a collection of ELP tunes that have been acquired from the 'Net, donated by friends or sequenced by myself and my wife, Jos.
Many years ago, I met Keith Emerson at Morley and Co (harpsichord builders in London) when I was doing research in harpsichords and he was downstairs in the showroom playing some of his own compositions and a particularly mean version of Strange Meadow Lark by Dave Brubeck. Keith, you must have a phenomenal ear because the rendition was perfect. As an old Dave Brubeck fan myself, I can assure you that afternoon was a priceless experience.
Anyway, not being behind the door, I took the opportunity to chat to my idol and asked him why he had never published any of his compositions as Jos was dying to play them. Good idea, he said, and lo and behold, 4 years later the ELP song book was born!
If I have stretched the truth, I apologise. However, I hope that in some small way, I managed to persuade Keith to publish some of his compositions.
Acknowledgements: The song being played is "Jeremy Bender" by ELP from the 1971 "Tarkus" Album. Composed by Keith Emerson and Greg Lake. Arranged for Roland Sound Canvas by Mike and Jos Le Voi. Thanks for everything, fellas!