The relative news are a concept of news axed on the pure informations. You can see the main subject of the new in big bold characters, and the specific informations in ordinary text, generaly under this title. They are displayed on the right side of the screen, which make them easy to repear. The lastest informations about the time travel machine are listed in these news. Read them and... Get ready to travel though the Time!

- Take note that the number of peoples who visited my web site since January 1st of 1997 is:

- Email me if you have any questions about any subject. I will be happy to anwser all of these.

- Sign my guestbook! You can also view it. I need to know what do you think about my new site.

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256 Colors Video Card
640 x 480 Screen Resolution
(Looks nice too in 800x600)

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September 15, 1998: Welcome to the Time Travel Machine. The page is now totally done, and I hope you'll enjoy all the work I've put into it. From the greek antiquity to the edge of space, through medieval castles, caravels and writers of the Renaissance, the purpose of this site is to let you take a trip into mankind history. Bon Voyage! This means this site won't be updated as often as before, but will still be available at this adress for a very long time.

July 14, 1998: My sincere apologizes for haven't been updating this page for over half a year, I hope it won't happen again. The Time Travel Machine is a great page, I don't know why I let it abandonned during all this time. I'll try to do not make the same errors again. I have to say a big thank you to everyone of you who visited this page, and also to those who signed my guestbook. Your great comments are a very good cure to my feelings, thank you very much. As for now, I'll try to update this page the most I can, because I have other web pages to run also, and I am a Vienna Community Leader, which doesn't give me a lot of free time. If you have questions about anything, I mean anything, you can contact me here and I'll try to answer you to the best of my knowledge. Thanks.

October 7, 1997: The addition of a new time destination gave me a problem. In my little screen resolution of 640x480, the buttons of the old version did not fit in one line with the addition of an 8th one. So I decided to re-make all the menu bar! All should be ok now. I also changed the news section, as you can see, title are more appearant.

There's still five destinations through the time to visit. The first one is the Antiquity period, where you'll explore along ancient Greek heroes within ancient temples. The second one is the Medieval Europe, where we go back in time to the age of knights, castle sieges, fortresses, and where the fiefdom system rules. The second one invite you to enter a caravel of the King of spain and explore the New World in search of gold and prosperity... A fabulous adventure in an uncharted land. The Third destination bring you to the Renaissance period, where a gentleman will quote you the history of the greatest musical composers of this period and give you some informations about musical instruments. Finally, you will travel in the future in a world of spaceships and galactical conquests in the Science-Fiction world.

I'm a Community Leader here in Vienna. My job is to help homesteaders who need help. Don't be affraid to email me to ask me your questions, I'll be happy to anwser them. I'm stronger in HTML language and Web Site Design, but i'll answser all other kinds of questions. Emailing me will let you have a complete, clear and fast response.