The Poor's Food
The poor peasant does not have enought money to buy food. He live from his
harvest, but he must give a part of his harvest to the lord of his tenure.
With the little part that he keep after that, he must make flour, and give
a part to the lord. With his tiny part flour that he get, he makes bread,
and then also give a part to his lord. Finally, he only got few things to
eat. It is why serfs and peasants's food is not very nutritious. He is a
typical menu:
Traditionnal menu:
- Milk
- Bread
- Porridge
- Non-Nutritious soups
As you can see, this is a simple menu. Only few
nutritious aliments are presents. They not eat often
extras as cheese and bacon. Only when the harvest is good
and they can get a little profit at the marked of their village.
They buy their cheese or meat, or the can make them, if
they have cattle.
Note: Many of the informations present in this page were
taken in a medieval times book illustrated by Stephen Biesty.
He also produce a marvelous game with these pictures, and it
is named Castle Explorer where you can learn the customs of
the middle ages.