Summer 2004

We went cycling from Morin Heights, Quebec, on the Aerobic Corridor. Calle was pedalling behind Nils on his bike, connected with a hook-up called the "Trail-gator". We cycled 54 kilometres. This picture is from where we were out 27 km and were about to turn back.

On Labour Day (Sept 6) we drove out to Cooper Marsh Conservation Area, west of Cornwall, Ontario. There we walked around the marsh on a perimeter trail, and saw thousands of frogs. Calle tried to engage one in conversation (the frog is the dark blob on the far right).

Later in September we picked our Giant Pumpkin. It weighs over 40 pounds or 20 kilograms. The plant had sprouted from soil taken out of our composter, and grew out during our absence on vacation. The pumpkins we had deliberately planted were tiny by comparison.