I see... yes, they're just a few. But time will make this list grow... Please join all these good friends of Lux Perpetua, and participate in its Guestbook... Maybe one day this page will become one of the finest in the web... with your contribution! So one day you will be able to say: 'Yes, I signed Lux Perpetua in its beginning!', and you'll become famous! (I hope).

Juan Pablo Correa - 01/13/00 04:28:17
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/HotSprings/Resort/1647/index.html
My Email:jpcorrea@hotmail.com
Favorite composer: Bach / Prokovief
Favorite sport: Chess
Favorite team in that sport: Me
Favorite movie: Sexto Sentido
Instrument played: Piano
Country/State/City: Venezuela / Valencia

Oye, te felicito por la página tan completa y excelente. Además, de mucha altura... Enhorabuena! Continúa exaltando la cultura y la música como lo haces!

Gerd Prengel - 11/27/99 21:07:38
My URL:http://members.aol.com/prengel96
My Email:prengel96@aol.com
Favorite composer: Beethoven
Favorite movie: Ben Hur
Country/State/City: Germany

Hallo, my name is Gerd Prengel from Germany. With great interest I read your article on Beethoven's planned Tenth Symphony and it's realisation by Mr. Cooper. It may interest you that among the sketches for the first movement there is also a exciting sketch with 24 bars on a Scherzo for this symphony (from 1825), and based on this sketch for the main theme I composed a whole movement (piano and orchestra version)! I did this because I was so fascinated by this wonderful dynamic theme in c-minor... A description and the Midi files you can find in: http://www.unheardbeethoven.org/search/search.pl?piece=biam838c.mid http://members.aol.com/prengel96 Regards, Gerd Prengel

- 11/01/99 15:32:47


Emilio Omar Merhe F. - 10/26/99 22:00:49
My Email:emerhe@ctcinternet.cl
Favorite composer: Perales, Cortez
Favorite sport: Fútbol
Favorite team in that sport: Palestino
Favorite movie: Expreso de medianoche
Instrument played: Guitarra
Country/State/City: Chile

Gabiel,por fin, luego de interminables luchas con mi computador (el cual estoy seguro tiene vida propia), he podido visitar tu sitio, y solo te puedo decir que no esperaba menos de ti. Me encantó la parte de Gardel,pues como buen hijo de argentinos me enc nta el tango y en general el resto del sitio es genial.Te felicito por tu gran aporte de cultura a internet.Chao.

Manuel Ignacio Hertz Z. - 10/18/99 17:56:16
My Email:mignaciohertz@hotmail.com
Favorite composer: Mazapan
Favorite movie: Dead Poets Society
Instrument played: Tratando con el violin
Country/State/City: Stgo. Chile

Querido amigo, espero que leas estas lineas y que sepas desde ahora mi direccion en e mail. Impresionado por tu pagina y sin poder escribir las tildes, me despido por ahora. M. Ignacio “Solo hay una cosa peor de que hablen de uno, y es que no hablen de uno“ O. Wilde

Lloyd - 08/14/99 00:10:04
My Email:profexpert@aol.com
Favorite composer: beethoven
Favorite sport: drinking wine
Favorite team in that sport: red
Favorite movie: Casablanca
Instrument played: guitar, mandolin
Country/State/City: USA, California, Los Angeles

Hi Gabriel. I found your site through a link on Rob Antecki's webpage. Your site looks great. Since "Classical Insites" got axed--do you know the Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes' story "The Red Headed League"? I felt like that when I finally figur d out there was no more CI "Talk" board to visit. Anyway, great to see your site and to practice my basic Spanish on the entries from all your Chilean colleagues.

Jim Moore - 06/23/99 15:40:27
My Email:jim@access1.net
Favorite composer: Rachmaninov
Favorite sport: Football (American)
Favorite team in that sport: Chargers & Broncos
Favorite movie: Amadeus
Instrument played: None...sigh
Country/State/City: USA California Escondido just north of San Diego

Nice site, thanks!

Maxi Cass - 05/27/99 04:27:31


Matt Havana - 05/18/99 13:22:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/luxperpetua/
My Email:lux_perpetua@hotmail.com
Favorite composer: Talia Lyon
Favorite sport: Football (soccer)
Favorite team in that sport: Manchester City
Favorite movie: The Empire Strikes Back
Instrument played: Singer
Country/State/City: England/Yorkshire/York

This is very odd, I've been in a band called "Lux Perpetua" for over a year now. I never realised that the phrase had such a large following. It seems that everything from solar powered cars to classical compositions are named after us. Well maybe not fter us but you know what i mean. Please write to me and express your views on what you think about all of this.

On Ngar - 05/09/99 11:29:34
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Athens/Rhodes/9187/
My Email:onngarr@usa.net
Favorite composer: Bach, Debussy, Mozart, Beethovon, Faure.
Country/State/City: Hong Kong

Very well prepared website. The most artistic webpage I ever view. I made two links to your webpages. at http://onngar.virtualave.net/breakfast.html

Becky Reisinger - 04/10/99 03:19:25
My URL:http://www.worldnet.att.net/romance.html/
My Email:mystically@usa.net
Favorite composer: Beethovan, Motzart, Chycovki(?)
Favorite sport: none
Favorite movie: Amadous
Instrument played: trumpet
Country/State/City: USA-Grovetown-GA

I've really enjoyed your site. It has been a pleasure coming here and listening to your samples. I was although looking for Beethovan's Fur Elise and couldn't find it. I would love to download that song. It has such passion in it that each time I hear it, somewhere deep in my soul it touches me. Could you possably get a copy of it here (at your site) that I could download soon? Thank You, again for a wonderful site. Becky

Ricardo Muza - 12/22/98 19:29:49
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SunsetStrip/Palladium/7821
My Email:rmuza@puc.cl
Favorite composer: The Beatles
Country/State/City: Chile

En terminos generales, y tambien especiales, es una pagina que sobresale en su genero. Erigiendose como "Primus inter pares".

V. A. MOZART - 06/29/98 02:56:25


Jose Luis Lara A- - 06/03/98 15:20:14
My Email:jllara@puc.cl
Favorite composer: Mozart
Favorite sport: futbol
Favorite team in that sport: U. Catolica
Favorite movie: Forrest Gump
Instrument played: Flauta dulce
Country/State/City: Chile,Santiago

Iniciativas como estas, son dignas de destacar, esta pagina denota el amor y pasion que su autor siente por la musica. Queda claro como su genio inspirador da vida a un simple texto cibernetico, que a momentos da la impresion de estar junto al maestro. Co cluimos que su autor es un "Procer", y que ha desarrollado su obra "a lo campeon".

Rodolfo - 06/03/98 14:54:02
My Email:ralday@puc.cl
Favorite composer: Don Alfonso X
Favorite sport: El mas sano de todos...
Favorite team in that sport: Universidad Catolica(chile)
Favorite movie: No Amaras
Instrument played: Charango
Country/State/City: CHILE

Me gusto tu pagina, especialmente lo dedicado GARDEL y, por supuesto, el estracto de nuestra ARAUCANA. Ademas gracias por mantener una pagina queno sea de juegos,sexo u otras banalidades que, si bien necesarias, ya son un verdadero exceso.

Felipe Ram’rez - 04/28/98 15:21:01
My Email:fsramire@puc.cl
Favorite composer: Phil Collins
Favorite sport: futbol
Favorite team in that sport: cduc
Favorite movie: Star Wars
Instrument played: none
Country/State/City: Santiago del Nuevo Extremo

Buenas tardes amable oyente, aqu’ me encuentro jugueteando en D¼ y aprovecho de mandarle un saludo...nos vemos el s‡bado

GRAN TOFFOLO - 04/02/98 13:20:21
Favorite composer: THE BLACK MAN
Favorite sport: EL MISMO DE SIEMPRE
Favorite team in that sport: DREM TEAM OF NUTHING


Elizabeth - 01/21/98 16:08:32
My Email:muron@okd.cz

Hi Gabriel, your Lux Perpetua looks really impressive but why is everything just in Spanish????? Once I win the great match I am going to read it!!!! Bye Elizabeth

Elizabeth - 12/09/97 19:52:04
My Email:moron@okd.cz
Favorite composer: Beethowen, Mozart
Favorite sport: badminton
Favorite team in that sport: none
Favorite movie: Sense and Sensibility
Country/State/City: Czech Republic, Ostrava

I liked your HP but it would be better if all parts were in English. I found your comments on Mozart and Beethowen really good. I also liked your midi. Elizabeth

TU MAESTRO TOFFOLO - 11/27/97 15:21:05
Favorite composer: TIRO DE GRACIA
Favorite sport: SEXO
Favorite team in that sport: EVERTONTO
Instrument played: TOCADISCOS
Country/State/City: SIM CITY OF BRONX

Primo. Excelente. Me has brindado un gran momento de alegría al leer tu página. Espero que Napo siga batallando por la JUSTICIA de internet y que no afloje ante la adversidad de los virus de Saturno. Escuché un par de canciones de Chopin y me pareció GRANDIOSO su estilo de composición. Ha sido un placer surfear por tu web. La tecnología ¿no? Nos vemos en otra transmisión PD: No te pongas tanto de pie.

Jorge Serrano - 10/25/97 15:09:27
My Email:serrano@netup.cl
Favorite composer: Mozart, Wagner
Favorite sport: Soccer
Favorite team in that sport: Universidad Catolica
Favorite movie: Start Wars Trilogy
Country/State/City: Chile/Santiago

Encuentro muy buena tu pagina Gabriel, espero que siga creciendo.

Juan Pablo Lastra - 09/24/97 04:33:23
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/TimesSquare/Realm/4276/index.html
My Email:jlastra@puc.cl
Favorite composer: Saint Saëns
Favorite sport: Futbol
Favorite team in that sport: Colo-Colo!!!!!
Favorite movie: Indiana Jones y la Última Cruzada
Instrument played: Piano (un poquito)
Country/State/City: Chile/Stgo.

Hola a todos!!! veo que soy la segunda persona que firma este libro... bueno, por algo se empieza, no? insisto, Gabriel... cada vez que leo tu página, me da un ataque de risa, (sin burlarme, claro), pero es que, sobretodo, tu "meet Perpetua's creator" es algo que me inspira un ataque imparable de risa... tú entiendes, ¿no? en, fin VIVA COLO-COLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! chao!

Lizabeth - 07/19/97 03:33:14 GMT
My Email:pearce@amherst.edu
Instrument played: guitar
Country/State/City: USA/NY/NY

*smile* nice job, I like that you added color and picutures. Adds a variety. Keep up the good work. *laughs* do I sound like a pelagatos? I think your affliction (of being a pelagatos) is contagious and is affecting me.

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