11 Sep 2000
Hello! Just took some time off studying to update my webpage. Don't forget to sign the guestbook! thanks.
Yup, got new photos! They're rather backdated, but still, some beautiful memories to reminisce about. =) 01 Sep 2000
OKAY!!! After months of silence, I'm BACK ! Been busy juggling school work and my personal life. =) I guess it'll be a few more months of silence now...coz I'm having my school Prelims, and then it'll be my 'A' levels...so hang in there. =)
Ok, I didn't forget to add something new...the cartoon I drew for my class is now up in the portfolio page. Oh, and Happy Teacher's Day. =) |
Dale Zhiwen Weilun Jeremy (for the help) (for the inspiration) everyone else (coz you guys made this possible)
Last updated 13 Sep 2000
and here's the meaning of *Aphelion* :
The furthest point of a planet's orbit from its orbital centre. (eg. Earth orbiting around the Sun.) I chose this nick because sometimes I just want to be alone in my corner, at a point furthest from the crowd, and watch the world go by...Sometimes, I find that's the time when I can think most clearly, and the solitude gives me a peace of mind. =)