My Sister and I were up late one night and figured out this cool method of finding custom colors for our html coding.
The names are images that we envision when we see the color...some are inspired by the color's CODE!!!

I named the ones with exclamation marks!......hee hee! My Sister named all of the rest.

Pooltable green!=116622
Bluish Grey!=AABBCC
bright lavendar=EEAAEE
dusty rose=EEAAAA
dark grey=BBAAAA
a tootsie roll brown with a tint of red!=550000
burgundy leather=660000
brickhaus red=CC4444
navy blue=112277
Tropical punch red=FF3300
Venus's seafoam green=88FFCC
new parchment=FFEEBB
rose's titanic purple=662277
rose's dimensions purple=882288

Here is the formula we use to custom pick our colors.

First ya got to pick a color you like:
1. Right Click on the desktop.
2. Click on Active Desktop
3. Click on Customize My Desktop
4. Click on Appearance Tab
5. Click on Color.
6. Click on Other. Another window should popup with a rainbow colored box.
7. Click and drag mouse around the rainbow till you get the color you dig.
8. Copy down the numbers in the Red, Green and Blue text boxes.

Now use these numbers for your html code:

9. Now transfer the Red, Green, Blue numbers to HTML numbers by using the chart below.
color number 0-15=HTML number 00
color number 16-30=HTML number 00
30-45=HTML 11
46-60=HTML 22
61-75=HTML 33
76-90=HTML 44
90-105=HTML 55
106-120=HTML 66
121-135=HTML 77
135-150=HTML 88
151-165=HTML 99
166-180=HTML AA
180-195=HTML BB
196-210=HTML CC
211-225=HTML DD
226-240=HTML EE
240-255=HTML FF

10. Fill in the html code with the right numbers. If you don't know how....this is how: the html code corresponds to the color rainbow like this. The first two digits are for RED, the middle two digits are for GREEN, and the last two are for BLUE. RGB is the order of the colors. The number '0' is the lightest intensity(which is black a.k.a the absence of any color) of the color and 'F' is the darkest/strongest intensity of the color. When you mix R, G, and B it works like a color wheel. Play around with the R,G,B number's and you'll get the 'feel' of it.

For example,
Red is FF0000
a slightly 'paler'red is made by changing the second number in the Red
pair...F00000 or F10000 or F50000.
Green is 00FF00
Blue is 0000FF

This is an HTML Tutor I compiled. I want to Thank my sister who found Teresa Torres original work and Project Cool for the Tag Table.
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