Andersen P-G: | Orgelbogen | Copenhagen 1956. Translated by Curnutt, J as Organ Building and Design London 1969 |
Cavaillé-Coll C et E: | A Cavaillé-Coll, ses Origines, sa Vie, ses Oeuvres | Paris 1929 |
Coignet, J L: | Some Notes on the Organs in Nancy Cathedral | The Organ 199: L 1971 |
Davy R: | The Cavaillé-Coll organ of the Abbey Church of Saint Etienne, Caen | Caen 1994 |
Douglass F: | Cavaillé-Coll and the Musicians | Sunbury 1980 |
Downes, R: | Baroque Tricks: Adventures with the Organ Builders | Oxford 1983 |
Dupré, M: | Marcel Dupré raconte . . . | Paris 1972. Translated by Kneeream, R as Recollections New York 1975 2nd Edn 1978 |
Forsyth-Grant, M: | Twenty-One Years of Organ-Building | Oxford 1987 |
Guillou, J: | L'Orgue: Souvenir et Avenir | Paris 1978 |
Huybens, G: | Liste de travaux exécutés par Aristide Cavaillé-Coll | ISO Information no 23, Lauffen/Nekar ? |
de Lasala, P & Lane, R W: | The evolution of the Grand Organ in Notre-Dame de Paris | Organists' Review Vol LXXX Nos 3 & 4 Bromyard 1994 |
Ochse, O: | Organists and Organ Playing in Nineteenth-Century France and Belgium | ? ?1995 |
Roth, D & Lade G: | Die Cavaillé-Coll Mutin Orgel der Basilika Sacré-Coeur en Paris | Bregenz ?1993 |
Sumner, W L: | The Organ, Its Evolution, Principles of Construction and Use | London 1952; 2nd edn 1955; 3rd edn 1962; 4th edn 1973 |
The Cavaillé-Coll organ in the Parr Hall, Warrington | The Organ XXXIV 1954 | |
The Grand Orgue at Notre-Dame, Paris | The Organ 185: XLVII 1967 | |
The Organ in the Church of La Madeleine, Paris | The Organ 186: XLVII 1967 | |
The Organ in Ste Clothilde, Paris | The Organ 187: XLVII, 1968 | |
The Organ in the Church of St Sulpice, Paris | The Organ 191: XLVIII 1969 | |
The Cavaillé-Coll Organ at Melun, France | Musical Opinion 1102: 92 July 1969 | |
The Organ in the Basilica of the Sacre-Coeur, Paris | The Organ 204: LI 1972 | |
Verwer R: | Die Cavaillé-Coll Orgel von Saint Ouen en Rouen | Bregenz ?1992 |
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