Flavio - 11/22/00 01:08:11
My Email:flavio13@pacbell.net

Le sue composizioni sono bellissime. JSB sarebbe fiero di lei. Congratulazioni. Flavio

Roger - 07/29/00 21:11:48

I sent you some midis to: giorgiopacchioni@iol.it I hope that is the right adress! (If not please tell me the right one!)

Roger - 07/20/00 20:03:14
My Email:psychohans@smartvia.de

Hello, Mr.Pacchioni! Now, after I listened to some of your compositions, I can say I like what I heard (and saw after I downloaded some midis)! I am now 21 and also (hobby) composer, At the moment I'm composing a work for piano duet "Variations and Fugue on a theme of F.Schubert" I started to compose yesterday, variation I, a virtuoso vivave is nearly finished.. I'd be very glad to get an answer ! Perhaps you'd like to hear one of my works and say what you think of it. My e-mail address: psychohans@smartvia.de

- 07/18/00 20:07:52


HALEY - 05/21/00 06:12:58
My Email:maestrogirl@hotmail.com

Thank you for putting up this web site. It has been my dream since I was eleven years old to be a composer. I am now fourteen and am closer to that dream. I play the flute and have "unusual talent" according to my teachers. At next year will be my fre hman year and I have been accepted into the senior band!! I also am working on a Divertimento (did I spell that right?) in C major for strings. It switches into an A melodic minor ascending passage after about 5 measures then into the major key again. also REALLY want to go to Julliard. It looks like I might go for the certificate program there if I apply and am actually accepted. Thank you again and email me!! Haley M.

TRW - 05/20/00 15:17:49
My Email:therecording@walkman.freeserve.co.uk

I have a .XM which is a MOD conversion of Fugue in G". I have no other information. I want to find out what instruments it uses. I kno it has a piano and guitar but the bass instrument is eluding me. Aprecciate any help. ( I can post you the tune if you ant).

Go to The Divine Sarah Buxton

Charlotte Avant - 04/01/00 18:44:00
My URL:http://jps.net/cavant/index.html
My Email:cloudzeye@yahoo.com

Thank you. The music is so beautiful, I had to send a note of deep appreciation. Charlotte

Sara - 01/29/00 01:54:08

I was just looking for a peice entittled "fugue", because I have a duet tomarrow and I need it.

- 11/16/99 16:57:13


Ken - 10/10/99 15:09:14
My URL:http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~flute/
My Email:flute@mb.infoweb.ne.jp

Canon be good music !!

Marzia Berchielli - 06/23/99 11:08:55
My Email:marzia.berchielli@Pirelli.com

Grazie per le informazioni sulle ocarine. Quella che mi hanno regalato è in LA. L'estensione è inferiore a quella del flauto diritto, per il quale ho molta musica scritta. Non resta che studiare. Complimenti vivissimi per la Sua carriera e bravissimi per la trasmissione radiofonica, veramente eccezionale. Appena possibile verrò a Cesena a vedere le Sue ocarine. Grazie ancora. Cordialità

- 06/23/99 10:48:55


Inkling - 06/03/99 04:48:52
My Email:mattsons@ix.netcom.com


Hansjörg Brugger - 04/13/99 23:05:24
My Email:hansjoergbrugger@usa.net

Non è tanto male, questo canone nel style di Lasso. Felicitazione, lei conosce bene i prescrizioni e i regri del cinquecento. Salutazioni d'un collega della facultà dei contrapuntisti e violinisti.

Giacomo Andreola - 03/18/99 23:25:21
My Email:andreola@tin.it

Questa non l'avevo ancora vista! Complimenti

Davide Fregni - 02/21/99 23:08:12
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Quodlibet/davide_fregni_home_page.htm
My Email:quodlibet@sincretech.it

Qualcosa ci accomuna.

Dean Hannnotte - 01/15/99 10:52:49
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SiliconValley/Lab/1783/Fugues.htm
My Email:dhannotte@email.msn.com

Great site, Giorgio! I'm going to add a list of your fugal compositions to the web page I've created all about fugues and fugue sets. Check it out and let me know if there's anybody missing! "http://geocities.datacellar.net/SiliconValley/Lab/1783/Fugues.htm"

Mirko - 11/12/98 21:48:21
My URL:http://users.iol.it/pramparo
My Email:pramparo@iol.it


Stefano - 09/29/98 08:30:54
My Email:lac0383@iperbole.bologna.it

Complimenti vivissimi! Bisogna proprio che mi decida anch'io ad imparare questo benedetto linguaggio html. Mi prenoto fin da ora come allievo diligente. A presto Ciao

Miguel d'Andrade Gomes - 09/27/98 22:08:42
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Broadway/2760/music.htm
My Email:magomes@mail.telepac.pt

Bravo Maestro!

smiga michel - 08/27/98 20:34:57
My Email:cjsax@club-internet.fr

Early wind instruments to sell at : http://www.contrabass.com/contra-archive/FrenchMart.html http://www.whc.net/rjones/antiques.html http://perso.wanadoo.fr/helleringer/adsax.htm http://geocities.datacellar.net/BourbonStreet/1389/bass-sax.html

Bostjan Kuzman - 08/20/98 18:22:39
My Email:bostjan.kuzman@hotmail.com

Hello. I'm a maths student with interest in music and composition. I play recorders as my hobby and I've just discovered your home page. I already tried the Trio Sonata in Re minor which I think is very beautiful. I appreciate your effort to put your scores on the web to make them available all over the world. Greetings from Slovenia, Bostjan

Mike Hay - 07/26/98 17:23:26
My URL:http://www.penicuik.demon.co.uk
My Email:mikehay@penicuik.demon.co.uk

Thanks for your reply re "Alta trinita beata" - much appreciate

Bryan Bingham - 07/10/98 16:03:49
My Email:b2@tek9.com

My group plays your Fuga Reals and we enjoy them very much. We look forward to new works, especially for SATB consorts. Thanks.

- 06/07/98 20:22:40


Mike Starke - 06/04/98 08:45:32
My URL:http://www.midiworld.com/c/mj_starke.htm
My Email:mjstarke@ix.netcom.nospam.com

Hi Giorgio! Very nice of you to make your works available over the Net. Ciao, Maestro!

Giorgio Pacchioni - 06/01/98 06:42:35
My URL:http://http://geocities.datacellar.net/Vienna/Strasse/4923
My Email:gpacch@mail.asianet.it

Funziona tutto bene.... spero. Saluti a tutti Giorgio

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