The thirteen Fundamentals of Faith.
as compiled by Maimonides (1135-1204)
I believe with complete faith that the Creator,
blessed is His Name, creates and directs all
creatures, and that He alone made, makes, and
will make everything.
I believe with complete faith, that the Creator,
blessed is His Name, is unique, and there
exists no uniqueness like Him at all, and He
alone is our G-d, He was, He is and He will be.
I believe with complete faith, that the Creator,
blessed is His Name, is no body and the physical concepts
do not apply to Him and there is nothing whatsoever, that
resembles Him at all.
I believe with complete faith, that the Creator,
blessed is His Name, is First and He is Last.
I believe with complete faith, that it is proper to
pray only to the Creator, blessed is His Name,
and none else is worthy of prayer.
I believe with complete faith, that all the words
of the prophets are true.
I believe with complete faith, that the prophecy
of our Teacher Moses is true and that he
was the Father of all prophets, who preceded
him and those, who followed him.
I believe with complete faith, that the entire
Torah, in its present state, is that, which was given to our Teacher Moses.
I believe with complete faith, that this Torah
will not be changed and there will never be another
Torah given by the Creator, blessed is His Name.
I believe with complete faith, that the Creator,
blessed is His Name, knows all the deeds of Man
and all their thoughts, as it is written: "He has
molded every heart alike. He knows all their deeds" (Psalms 33:15).
I believe with complete faith, that the Creator,
blessed is His Name, rewards those, who keep
His commandments and punishes, those who transgress them.
I believe with complete faith, in the coming
of the Messiah and even though he may
tarry, I shall expect his coming every day.
I believe with complete faith, that there will
be the quickening of the dead, at a time, that
will please the Creator, blessed is His Name,
and exalted be His Mention, forever and for all eternity.