File Archives

檔案名稱 檔案簡介 系統需求
zh_TW.lproj_copier AppleScript Droplet
This script simply duplicates "English.lproj" to "zh_TW.lproj".
The patch will restore Traditional Chinese compatibility for some Cocoa apps.
Mac OS X
clear_folder AppleScript Droplet (do shell script)
This script will clear certain unix invisible files in the dropped folders.
(.DS_Store, .FBCIndex, .FBCSemaphoreFile, .FBCLockFolder)
Mac OS X
drop_tar AppleScript Droplet (do shell script)
Tar the dropped file/folder.
Mac OS X
drop_untar AppleScript Droplet (do shell script)
Expand the dropped file/folder from a tar archive.
Mac OS X
drop_tar_gz AppleScript Droplet (do shell script)
Tar and gzip the dropped file/folder.
Mac OS X
get_mms (AppleScript) AppleScript Application (do shell script)
Extract mms string from "".
Mac OS X
ruby 1.6~1.8
extract_station_link ruby script
Extract station links from "".
ruby 1.6~1.8
get_mms (Cocoa) Cocoa App
Extract mms string from "" and open it with Windows Media Player.
Mac OS X 10.3
ruby 1.6~1.8
MPlayer or Windows Media Player 9.0
ip2name Cocoa App
Find hostname from ip.
Mac OS X 10.3
TxtCache Cocoa App
1. auto save (text only)
2. fixed pitch font
3. show/hide ruler
4. limited printing support
Mac OS X 10.3
WMP_recorder AppleScript
AppleScript for recording stream from "" with Audio Hijack Pro
Mac OS X 10.3

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