R.C. Barrows, Composer-In-Residence for the Culver Chamber Music Series, does not fit the mold of the modern composer. Instead of the atonal and minimalist styles used by most modern concert composers, he opts for a more melodic classical/romantic style, with perhaps a dash of Baroque, although not totally devoid of modern influences.
Mr. Barrows is a member of the American Composers Forum and the Pacific Composers Forum. His chamber works have been performed by members of the L.A. Opera Orchestra, Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, San Diego Chamber Orchestra, L.A. Baroque Orchestra, and other impressive professional musicians.
On the non-classical front, he recently wrote lyrics and arrangements, and used his ability to do voice impressions (he can do over 230), for the recent recording of Christmas carol parodies called Warped Christmas, which includes such songs as Clinton’s 12 Days of Christmas and The Ballad of Jesse “The Body” Ventura. He rides a motorcycle, pumps iron, skydives… Since when does any composer of merit fit into a mold?
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Interested parties may contact Mr. Barrows through the Culver Chamber Music Series CulverMusic@bigfoot.comSign Guestbook View Guestbook
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