
Here you find some links to other sites dealing with the mandolin. In all these sites there are further links to other interesting places on the web...

Qui trovi alcuni collegamenti ad altri siti che riguardano il mandolino. In tutti questi siti ci sono ulteriori collegamenti ad altri posti interessanti sulla rete…

Mandolin orchestras and similar groups …

Associazione Mandolinistica Romana (Italy)  In this site you'll find links to (not only) italian orchestras...

Mandolines de Bigorre (France) Our friends from Tarbes

Mandolin and guitar ensemble Het Consort (The Netherlands)

Club des mandolines de Remiremont (France)

Orchestre mandoline Claude Gellée de Jarville (France)

Young player Fabio Machado and his Orchestra (Portugal)

Cuarteto de plectro ASSAI (Spain)

Shin Tokorozawa Mandolin Club (STMC)(Japan)

Sydney Mandolins (Australia)

MZO (Germany)

Testudinum (Belgium) They define themself as: "een klassiek mandoline orkest met een origineel repertorium"


Guitar orchestras

Sextha Consort (Italy) Italian guitar Orchestra from Varese

Chitarrorchestra di Voghera (Italy) They are friends of us!

i Trovieri, orchestra di chitarre classiche (Varese, Italy) Another Italian Classical Guitar Orchestra


Mandolin related sites …

Mandolin Cafe (USA) now with a lot of FREE MP3 files!!!

FMI (I) Italian mandolin federation

BDZ ONLINE (DE) German mandolin federation

Classical Mandolin Society of America (USA)


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