Carols with Chords

This site is for Christmas Carolers.

All of those times you have gathered to carol, but couldn't remember the words, or could only remember one verse... here they are.

The songs are all way out of copyright, so feel free to use and abuse them as you see fit.  Guitar chords are included for your convenience.

Angels from the realms of glory

Angels we have Heard on High

Away in a Manger

Deck the Halls

Go Tell it on the Mountain

Hark the herald angels sing

Infant Holy Infant Lowly

It came upon a midnight clear

Joy to the World

O Christmas Tree

Oh little town of Bethlehem

Oh come all ye faithful

Silent Night

The First Noel

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

What Child is This

White Christmas

Please send me words and chords to your favorite carols.  If they are appropriate, I'll post them.