Description quoted from a letter written by Vivian Hobbs Higbee

"Elmer [Moore] is standing tall beside the teacher, who holds a book. Leo Hobbs wears the cap. Robert [Moore] is a head above Mable Lee and a German boy name Rhinehart. The smaller boy with the dark cap was Eddie Norton, no relation to us. The boy next to me was a Manheart, I think. Anyway, I tried not to pay too much attention to him as the kids were always teasing me about him. I hold the slate, Date Dec. 15, 1911. Mike (my son) says I should have had a hairdo that didn't show off my ears so much. Then I had those overshoes on most of the time because I couldn't get them on and off unless helped. Mable helped me sometimes."

"Beginning on the left side, front row, Eva Hobbs in the pinafore, sister to Leo. Amanda and Myrtle are sisters of those two also. Amanda was out of grade school. Myrtle had been married but divorced. She walked a long way to our house to give me piano lessons. They were cousins. "

"Peeking between the two girls was Ollie Lee, and that girl with the tucked dress was Minnie Lee, Ollie's sister. The boy on my right was Carter Lee. (Mable was his sister.) The one right above Carter was Robert Lee and the boy touching his chin was George, Robert's brother."


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