CEOS homepage: Organ Dictionary, restorations of historical organs in Belgium and Spain/Catalonia, publications about pipe organs


Organ dictionary

Orgelwoordenboek - Orgelwörterbuch - Orgelordbok - Orgelordbog - Dictionnaire de l'Orgue - Diccionario del órgano - Diccionari de l'orgue - Dicionário do órgăo - Dizionario dell'organo - Dictionar de orgă - Urkusanakirja - Varhanní slovník - Orgonaszótár - Orgena vortaro - Jhufyysq ckjdfhm

A multilingual technical dictionary about the organ: English, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, French, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Portugese, Rumanian, Latin, Finnish, Tschech, Hungarian, Russian, Japanese and Esperanto.

Over 800 organ related items about all technical aspects; all parts of the organ illustrated.

Click here to have a look at some pages of the new edition .


Organ restorations

Catalonia / Catalunya (Spain):

Ŕger (Juan Florenzano, 1865, I)

Pla de Santa Maria (Gheude, 1876, I ; from Basse-Wavre, Belgium)

Pobla de Cčrvoles (Cases, 1752, II+P)

Torroja del Priorat (Jean-Pierre Cavaillé, ±1799, II+ P)

Ulldemolins (case ± 1636, II + P)


Flanders (Belgium):

Korbeek-Lo (?, 18th c., I)

Overlaar (P.A. van Dinter, ±1850, I)



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