Partizansk Ecology

The ecological situation of the Partizanskaya (Partisan) river and its tributaries within the town border and in the suburban settlements is very unsatisfactory. According to the results of inspection the waters can be considered polluted. Pollution of the river basin leads to deterioration of fresh water quality in the water-distributing structures of the town. From year to year water quality less and less fits the State Standards. Bacteriological index also exceeds the norms. In Uglekamensk and Avangard (Avant-Garde) settlements the bacteriological index lies in the zone of epidemiological danger (level 2). In Uglekamensk the water pollution level is 16 times more than the norm, in Avangard (Avant-Garde) - 10 times, in Partizansk - 7 times. In Lozovy (Vine) settlementthe water bacteriological index lies in the zone of the third level epidemiological danger.

The main water pollutors of the Partizanskaya (Partisan) river basin are the industrial enterprises: the Central Concentrating Factory, mines, brewery, the hydro-electric power station, motorcade #1512, "Primorskugol" motor-transport depot, meat processing factory, "Lazurny" (Azure) state farm, agriculture enerprises of Kazanka and other settlements.

Mines and concentrating factory pollute rivers with suspended particles, ions of iron, copper, phenols, oil-products. In the Melniki and Postyshevka rivers the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) are exceeded. In the Melniki river the concentration of oil products 9 times exceeds the MPC, of phenols - 4 times, of suspended particles - 26 times. In the Postyshevka river the concentration of oil products 9 times exceeds the MPC, of phenols - 6 times, of nitrogen nitrite - 7 times, of copper ions - 7 times, of suspended particles - 196 times, of iron - 3 times. In the Partizanskaya (Partisan) river even after the dilution of all sewage the concentration of phenols 3 times exceeds the MPC, of oil products - 6 times, of copper ions - 2 times, of suspended particles - 26 times. A case of ions concentration 13 times exceeding the MPC was registered.

In the Partizanskaya (Partisan) river waters 20 km (12 miles) below the town the concentrations of nitrogen nitrites and phenols exceed the MPC. The level of epidemiological danger is very high (biological index is 33%, sanitary index is 60.5%).

In general the waters of the Partizanskaya (Partisan) river basin do not conform to the norms by 73.9% (average index in the Province is 47.7%), and to the microbiological pollution norms by 75% (average index in the Province is 20.2%).

Not only Partizansk, but also Yekaterinovka settlement and Nakhodka city, which are further below along the Partizanskaya (Partisan) river flow, are using this water.

The reason for such pollution is absence of water purifiers or their small capacity. For example, the mine purifiers purify water from coal slag by only 30-35%. Water-obtaining structures of Uglekamensk, Lozovy (Vine), and Lozovy Klyuch (Vine Spring) settlements do not have water purification at all, and the system of water disinfication is rather primitive.

As a result in the town and settlements cases of infectious hepatitis and fever typhoid are registered annually. Comparing to 1994 the number of cases of liver, gall-bladder, stomach, and duodenum sickness increased 3 times, the number of intestinal sicknesses increases 10 times.

Currently in Partizansk the reconstruction of town water-purifying structures is being conducted. In future the construction of such structures is planned for Uglekamensk settlement (they are currently being projected). After the construction is finished waters of the Partizanskaya (Partisan) river will become much cleaner and safer.

The condition of air in the town satisfies the norms. MPC's are not exceeded. There are 3 functioning sanitary posts: on the territory of the sanitary and epidemiological center, in Lozovy (Vine) settlement, and on Gogolevskaya Street. Some of the boiler-houses were closed, which led to reduction of atmosphere pollution.

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Last modified: February 6, 1999