There are deposits of coal, granite, marble, clay, and polymetal ore in the vicinities of the town. In Lozovy (Vine) settlement the deposits of underground water have been prospected.
The main natural resourse of the Partizanskaya Valley is coal. Coal deposits in the river basin stretch along the valley from Lozovy (Vine) settlement to Molchanovka settlement in the north. Thickness of the coal deposits reaches 1,400 m (4,592 feet). In the sedimentary rocks (sandstones, argillites, alevrolites) more than 30 beds of coal were discovered. The total amount of coal in Partizansky deposit is estimated to be 426 million tons.
Nowadays the coal deposits are depleted. Only unconvenient very deep and steep deposits are left. Because of that the costs of mining increased significantly, and most of the mines are not profitable, which led to considerable economic problems in Partizansk.