One hour of reality TV show- aired on national tv- featuring the Amish visiting the LA temple and Venice beach..
On VHS Cost $15 including mailing in USA
send checks(made out to ISKCON),cash or money orders to:
Dangerous TV/HKTV
P.O.Box 273402
Houston, Texas 77277-3402 USA
fax-(419) 715-9346
Michael Balarama or Pandava vijaya dasa.
Rasamrta dasa, a very kind devotee who helped start ISKCON Houston-left his
body on 11/5/04. He had just returned from a pilgrimage to Srila Prabhupada's
samadhi in India.
Pandava Vijaya Prabhu, producer of Hare Krishna TV, filmed a one hour show
with Rasamrta prabhu's Remembrances at the request of Mukunda Datta
show 70a.Remembrances of Srila Prabhupada & Vishnujana Swami -with Rasamrta
Rasamrta dasa was a very early disciple of Srila Prabhupada. He speaks of being
with Prabhupada in Denver, Pittsburgh, New York and Dallas. He has memories
of cooking, guarding, driving, talking, morning walk with Srila Prabhupada.
He has many personal antidotes(like how Srila Prabhupada smelled). He also
discusses his time with Vishnujana Maharaj(who taught him how to cook) in
personal detail in Houston, Austin, and San Antonio This video is 1 hour
long., but seems like 5 minutes..
Special prices
$10+$3 in USA
$15+$5 in PAL shipped anywhere
send money orders/checks to:
HKTV (checks made out to ISKCON)
box 273402
Houston, Texas 77277 USA
Hare Krishna TVor
Michael Balarama or Pandava vijaya dasa.
Exclusive CD-only from HKTV
George Harrison-Hari unreleased studio sessions-songs-16 songs or outakes from 1968-1992 that were and will never be released. Songs included are I Wonder Why, Ballad of Krishna, You Believe in the Wind, Raga, Gopal Krishna, Prabhujee, All Things Must Pass and many more. Artists include Bob Dylan and Ravi Shankar.You can see George's creeper growing. Only on CD. $15.95 in USA
$25.95 outside of USA
$15.95+$3 in USA
$15+$10 in PAL including shipping
HKTV(make checks out to ISKCON)
BOX 273402
Houston, Texas 77277
Just send to mailing address, or call 713-665-8144, or mail to: HKTV, box 273402, Houston, Texas 77277
Dangerous TV/ here
Madonna wearing tilak and gopi dots, singing mantras shows 62,44,43
Ambarisa dasa(Ford) found a better WAY to live Shows 6,7,22.
Dangerous TV AIRED ON WARNER CABLE CHANNEL 17, 66, 82 or 96
(depending on where you live in Houston).
Optel cable: CHANNEL 7or 69..
Kingwood cable CHANNEL 98
on the HMS(Houston Media Source) channel, recieved by every cable subscriber in Houston- over 600,000 homes,and seen by 10,000 people per month
Every Friday-evening 6:30 pm
100% FREE-2 Hours of Nectar Hare Krishna TV/Dangerous TV UNEDITED It is very dangerous to those attached to the body
FREE FREE FREE 2 hour sample of HKTV-I. glimpses of Dangerous TVHKTV including
Srila Prabhupada
Professors speak of Bhakti yoga
Xena prays to Krishna
a Benedictine monk
a devotee Physician
Steve Jobs of Apple computer with devotees
the source of the Ganges
Sadaputa speaking of Forbidden Archeology
Kurma the Frog
news & devotees from around the world,
and much much more in jammed packed 2 hour teaser of what is on Dangerous TV/HKTV.
100% FREE :IN USA , PAL-format $15including shipping anywhere in
Just send mailing address, or call 713-665-8144, or mail to: HKTV, box 273402, Houston, Texas 77277
Dangerous TV/ here we only ask you that you give your blessings to Dangerous TV/ HKTV received by over 648,000 homes
this video is sent to many US prisons in conjuction with Chandrasekar dasa and the prison ministry.
New from HKTV-2 hours of programming for children ages 5-18 shows 47,48,49,50.
MEET His Grace Kurma the frog Host of HKTV for youth.
"I have watched the Kurma shows. They are very nice." Bir Krishna das Goswami
"I can't wait until HKTV is everywhere. Kurma the Frog
is a great likeness, and the voice is outstanding! All glories to your
service, to Srila Prabhupada, and to HKTV!!!"
Jayasri devi dasi
credit card ok(need name as appears on card, card number, expiration date)
Special 41 hours of Krishna conscious Dangerous TV/HKTV programs at nominal cost. contact
Membership to Dangerous TVHKTV
receive the good karma for sending the message of Bhakti to 648,000 homes each week
- Become a member /font color="red">
Receive a Tv show on video each month for $7 or $11 PAL outside of USA
help support and participate in giving the science of Bhakti to 10,000 people each month by becoming a Dangerous TV/HKTV member
Show. 106 Reincarnation with Tamal Krishna Goswami, George Harrison, Bir Krishna Goswami
Show 105. Paul McCartney back in the USSR II .with Paul McCarrtney
Show 104. Paul McCartney back in the USSR. with Paul McCarrtney
Show 103. Another Idea by Ford,. with Ambarisa dasa,George Harrison,Kurma the Chef,
Show 102.My Sweet George, .with George Harrison, Brahmatirtha Dasa,
show 101.All Things must Pass.with Bramatirtha, George Harrison, Krishna Kripa..
show 100 Krishna's Court .with Dharma dasa, George Harrison, Giridhari Swami
Show 99. BecomeTrancendental .with Dharma Dasa(attorney),Shelter, Madonna
show 98. Becoming Divine. with Umapati Swami,George Harrison, Shelter Band
Show 97Developing Character..with Umapati Swami,Srila Prabhupada, Tina Turner
Show 96. Me,Myself and the Lord with Umpati Swami,George Harrison,Tina Turner, Symadundar& Kurma th Frog
show 95. Scientific Self . with Brahmatirtha dasa, George Harrison, Kurma the Frog, and Srila Prabhupada.
Show 94. High School can mean Higher Consciousness. with George Harrison,Anandini, Tina Turner,Curt Kobain, and Kurma the Frog
show 94a. Understanding Gurudeva with Bhakti Caru Swami-90 min with kirtan(unedited)
show 93. Conversation with Benedictine Monk with Father Legall, Ambarisa dasa Ford
show 92. From Russia with Love- with Sarvabhavana dasa,Kurma the cook,Curt Kobain
show 91. Initiation into the Brahma Madhava Gaudiya Sampradaya with Tamal Krishna Goswami.
show 90. Vegetarian Resources II, with Rice University Vegetarian Club, Houston Vegetarian Society, and Hare Krishna free dinner
show 89. George Harrison's Leaving the Material World with George Harrison, Srila Prabhupada, travel up the Ganges river
show 88. The Secret Spiritual life of George Harrison with George Harrison, Srila Prabhupada,Rice U vegie club,Symasundar
Show 86. Was George Harrison a Hare Krishna II? with Symasundar, Gurudas, Mukunda Goswami, & George Harrison
Show 85. Was George Harrison a Hare Krishna I? with Symasundar, Gurudas, Mukunda Goswami, & George Harrison
Show 84. What is Hare Krishna II with Indradumna Swami,George Harrison, Krishna Kripa dasa
show 83. George leads kirtan with Mukunda, Shyamasundar, Guru das, Tribhuvanath, Trivikrama and others.
Show 82 Memories of George Harrison and the Hare Krishnas with Symasundar dasa, Guru dasa & others
show 81. Welfare Activities with Indramumna Swami,Kurma the Cook,Rice Veggie Club, Krishna Kripa
show 80.What is Hare Krishna with Indradumna Swami,Lotus band,Intertain TV,Jimi Hendrix
show 79.What it is with Jimi Hendrix,Priya darsana dasa,Damodara dasa, Pandava dasa
show 77.Siberian gulag with Sarva bhavana,Curt Kobain,Kalindi ,Lotus band
Show 76. Ford has a better Idea with Ambarisa dasa Ford,Dallas news report,Susan Jones Ph.D.
show 75. How Do You Do It? with Sadaputa,George Harrison, &, BirKrishna Goswami
Show 74. Vedic cosmology II with Dr. Richard L. Thompson further explaining the universe
show73. Vedic cosmology I with Dr. Richard L. Thompson explaining the universe
Show 72 Vedic AnswersII with Srila Prabhupada, Giridhari Swami, Kalindi dasi, Curt Kobain
show 71 who is happy...with film footage from Innertain TV
show 70a.Remembrances of Srila Prabhupada & Vishnujana Swamiwith Rasamrita dasa
show 70b.Remembrances of Srila Prabhupada -with Dayananda dasa
show 70. . Vedic Answers with Dhira Govinda dasa,Keshava Bharti, Steve Jobs,Kurma, Tina Turner
Show 69..On the Nectar Road. with Shelter Band,Srila Prabhupada and Madonna
show 68. The Vedic Life with Srila Prabhupada, Kamalini dasi, Padyvali dasi,Kurma the cook, George Harrison & Madonna
show 67. Srila Prabhupada II with Srila Prabhupada,Tina Turner,Kurma the cook,Damodar
Show 66.Show me life with Steve Jobs Hridayananda Goswami,Srila Prabhupada, Kurma the Frog,Tina Turner and Madonna
Show 65. Srila Prabhupada I with Srila Prabhupada
Show 64. Hare Krishna and the Professor with Dr.Kliever of Southern Methodist University, with Dr. Kliever, the head of the Religion Department is interviewed by Pandava vijaya dasa
Show 63 Speak to Me with Saduputa & Forbidden Archeology, Bir Krishna Goswami,Xena,Vrajalila dasi,& Shelter band
Show 62: Make Life Easier with Ravindra Svarupa dasa Ph.D., Kurt Cobain,Madonna,Anandini
Show 61 A Vegetarian Primer: with vegetarian athletes, cooks and resources featuring Joe Namath
Show 60.A Ph.D. speaks: with Hridayananda Goswami, Kurma the Frog,Peta, and Anandini
Show 59. Secrets of Mantra meditationwith Krishna Kripa dasa, Kurt Cobain, Steve Jobs,Anandini,, Damodara dasa & Kurma The Frog
Show 58. The Truth about Yoga with Tamal Krishna Goswami, Erica,
show 57 Doctor Speaks II with Xena, Ricky Martin, Dr. Hansa Medley,Devi Deva dasa, Kurma the Frog
show 56 Doctor Speaks I with Xena,Dr. Hansa Medley,Kurma the Frog & Ricky Martin
show 55. Vegetarian Reasons & Resources, with Rice University Vegetarian Club, Houston Vegetarian Society, and Hare Krishna free dinners:
show 54. Westheimer Street/Art Festival with Sarva,Lynn & Shelter lots of freaks, snakes,artists, music,and 4000 plates of prasadam
Show 53. Mantra Meditation with Sakuntala dasi M.Ed. teaches class at yoga center
show 52. Hatha yoga with Yogesh dasa emphasis onbalancing life engergies
show 51. Hatha yoga with Bhakta Rafael emphasis on back
Show 50. HKTV for youth 4- stay high forvever and never-ending party with Priya darsana, Tamal Krishna Goswami
show 49 HKTV for youth 3 Gita explained with pictures and dialog with Kurma the frog, Vaikuntha dasa, Kristi
show 48 HKTV for youth 2 -contact Krishna-with Kurma the frog, Adhideva,Tamal Krishna Goswami
show 47.Dangerous Tv for youth 1-you aren't the body with George Harrison, Tamal Krishna Goswami, Kurma the frog
show 46Vishnujana Swami & Radha Kalachanji's installation & First Gurukula revealed by Adhideva dasa
Show 45.Looking for happiness with Srila Prabhupada,Radha dasi,Professor Burke Rochford
Show 44. Change my life with Kamalini dasi, & Bhaktisiddanta dasa &Madonna
show43The purpose of life with Padyavali dasi,Madonna,Damadar.
Show 42. Bad Things to Good People with Shelter, Srila Prabhupada, & Kurma the Frog & Madonna at MTV awards with tilak singing mantras
show 41 Beauty of Unseen...Janmastami in Vrindavin with Bhaktisiddhanta dasa filmed by Latvian/Russian devotees
Show 40 Spiritual Love and Material Love with Tamal Krishna Goswami, Guru Prasada Swami, Kamalini dasi.
show 39(30min)Bhaktivedanta Manor Resolution The 10 year fight is settled with a Hare Krishna victory
show 38(100min)Mantra Meditation instructional video: with Licensed Professional Counselor supported by Harvard medical school & Benedictine Monk
Show 37(60min)(for devotees) On the Record with Hridayananda dasa Goswami Ph.D.with Vishnujana Swami,George Harrison
Show 36(30min) Hare Krishna in Espanol with Draru Krishnawith the devotees in Lima Peru
Show 35(30 min) The Vedas & Knowledge part 3 with Srila Prabhupada, Ambarisa dasa Ford, Radha dasi,
Show 34(30 min)The Vedas & Knowledge part 2 with Ambarisa dasa Ford, Kamalini dasi,photos from books
Show 33(30min)The Vedas and Knowledge part 1 with Guru Prasada Swami,Srila Prabhupada,George Harrison, featuring 20 minutes of art and commentary from Prabhupada's books
Show 32(30min)The More You Give, the More You Get with Tamal Krishna Goswami,Professor Rochford,Sadaputa dasa and more
Show 31(30min) Becoming Spiritual with Tamal Krishna Goswami, Srila Prabhupada,Professor Kliever and more.
Show 30(30 min)Real Happiness...with Srila Prabhupada,Bir Krishna,Kamalini dasi.
Show 29(30min) Hare Krishna Welfare Solutions..with Devi deva das,Srila Prabhupada,
Show 28(30min) Hare Krishna the Only Way??...with Tamal Krishna Goswami
Show 27(30min) Reincarnation &Travel...with Tamal Krishna Goswami
Show 26.(30 min)Food for Life...with Priyavrata dasa director,
Show 25(30min)Hare Krishnas in America with Lekharsravanti dasi Ruether, Dr Rochford,
Show 24(30min):Spiritual Values ....with Kamalini dasi, Guru Prasada Swami, Srila Prabhupada & Professor Kliever & George Harrison
Show 23(30min)Who are the Hare Krishnaswith Professor Kliever...Radha dasi, a Harvard educated lawyer ,Bir Krishna Maharaj
Show 22(30min).Money verse Spiritual with Ambarisa dasa
Show 21.(30min)A Science that Works with Hridayananda Goswami Ph.D
show 20.(30min)What Attracts Me to Krishna Consciousness II:with Giridhari Swami
Show 19.(30 min) What Attracts Me to Krishna Consciousness I: with Giridhari Swami
Show 18.(30 min) The Hare Krishna Lifestyle II:
show 17.(60 min) What's it all About: with Ravindra Svarupa prabhu Ph.D.
Show 14(1 hour)Together again: Hridayananda Goswami & Ambarisa dasa
Show 13(60min).Conversation with Ravindra Svarupa prabhu Ph.D.
Show 12.(60min) Conversation with Tamal Krishna Goswami
Show 11 Conversation with Vipramukhya Swami . You are the Lord's Servant
Show 10. Lets be Healthy, Happy and Wise with Dr. Guru Bhakti dasi M.D
Show 9. Conversation with H.H.Hridayananda dasa Goswami Ph.D.Part 2
Show 8.Conversation with H.H.Hridayananda dasa Goswami Ph.D.Part 1
Show 7. Conversation with Ambarisa dasa Ford Part 2
Show 6.Conversation with Ambarisa dasa Ford Part 1
Show 5. The Hare Krishna Philosphy with Vishnu dasa Ph.D.
Show 4. Documented Facts about a Vegetarian Diet and Chanting,Guru Bhakti M.D.(30min)
Show 3. The Hare Krishna Lifestyle(an introduction to Bhakti Yoga)
Show 2.The Power of Chanting with Dr.Guru Bhakti dasi M.D.
Show 1. An Introduction to Hare Krishna with Dr.Guru Bhakti M.D.
how to order...
any show$15 with shipping in USA
$5 for any other shows
PAL format
any show $15 +$10 shipping-total=$25
$5for any other shows..
in USA all 50 shows for $249+$15 shipping and handling
outside of USA in PAL all 50 shows for $299+$30 shipping and handling
send checks(made out to ISKCON),cash or money orders to:
Dangerous TV/HKTV
P.O.Box 273402
Houston, Texas 77277-3402 USA
fax-(419) 715-9346