Panama Stock Exchange

And other Panama Information

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Some Basic Panama Stock Exchange Information

Major Companies:

Cerveceria Nacional - One of Panama's two largest breweries and soft drink makers, it's stock is one of the most traded, and fastest growing. The company holds a majority in Crush of Panama, and also produces many of the sodas in the Pepsi line, including Dr. Pepper and Squirt. Some of their beer brands include Balboa and Atlas. Visit their homepage.

Cerveceria Baru-Panama - The other of Panama's big breweries, it was created on July 18, 1958. They bottle the Coca Cola line of sodas, as well as the beer brands Panama, Soberana, Guiness Stout and thier premier beer, Cristal. Visit their homepage.

Coca Cola de Panama - This is the local company representing Coca Cola corporation.

Empresa General de Inversiones - This is a holding company.

Banco Disa - One of more than 100 banks in Panama, and four on the stock exchange. It's price has proven to be quite stable, with a P/E of less than 10 and a price over book value ration of less than one.

Primer Banco de Ahorros - One of the few Panamanian retail banks.

Grupo Melo - One of the largest retail construction outlets. Once divided into eighty different companies, to lower taxes, the company is reconstructing itself, to avoid competing against itself.

UNESA - Still in Initial Public Offering stage, this holding company counts among its assets Sucasa, S.A., the biggest private landholder in Panama. Check out their homepage.

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Author: Antonio G. Len-Rios

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Last updated: November 21, 1997

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