Transnational Corporations, Finance Capital and the New Imperialism


The Peoples Movement Against APEC

Background on APEC



Resources For Opposing Transnational Corporations

Globalization and the New World Order

International Capitalist Institutions

The Peoples Movement Against APEC

Edmonton APEC Counter Conference August 97
APEC Energy Ministers Meet in Edmonton, Energy Week August 23-29, 1997

1997 Peoples Summit on APEC
Vancouver, B.C. Canada, November 1997

Another Canadian Anti-APEC site.

Interview with 1997 Peoples Summit on APEC Organizer New Socialist Magazine, Spring 97

Interview with Walden Bello

Manila Peoples Forum on APEC Home Page

Bayan Peoples Movement
1996 Manila APEC Counter Conference Statement opposed to APEC trade liberalization

Final Statement of The NGO Forum on APEC
Osaka Japan 1995, APEC Counter Conference, attended by over 100 NGO's, unions and other social groups opposed to trade liberalization. Link to home page still active.

Human rights groups say APEC ignores labour rights

the home page of the Mission for Filipino Migrant Workers in Hong Kong (MFMW)

Hong Kong Democracy Page

Background on APEC

Canada's Year of the Asia Pacific
Canada chairs APEC in 1997, the government of Canada declares 1997 Asia Pacific year.

APEC Energy Week
Natural Resources Canada Home page on APEC Energy Week In Edmonton August 1997

TG Magazine APEC Forum
TG Magazine is a National Canadian magazine aimed at High School, students. Propaganda arm of the Canadian Corporate State. Sign up for their forum discussions on APEC and give em a blast.

Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Pro-APEC site, a great source of background information promoting 'trade liberalization'.

The Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)
is where leaders in business, government and research meet to promote regional economic development.

APEC Home Page

APEC Links and Resources

Advancing American Business Interests Through APEC
A Forum on APEC brought to you by the Right Wing American Think Tank; the Heritage Foundation

Rescuing The Asia Pacific Trade Summit Heritage Foundation Brief

APEC Encouraged To Accelerate Trade LiberalizationSeptember 1995

Telecommunications Working Group Meeting
Indonesia - Malaysia - Thailand Growth Triangle Development Project 9 - 10 November, 1994, Penang, Malaysia

Japanese Ministry Of International Trade And Industry(MITI)
Trends toward market-economy principles, globalization and regionalism; etc

Can Japan lead?
APEC Summit Tests the Rich Man of Asia by Stephen J. Anderson

APEC and the Private Sector
The Pacific Business Forum

Multilateral Agreements on Investment
and Free Trade

MAI No Thanks!
complete set on resource links on MAI, NAFTA, GATT, WTO

Certified Accounts of Canada promote Free Trade

Japan Economic Council on MAI

Europe without Frontiers
Free Trade and the European Union

Corporate Europe Observatory
Europe Inc.


Initatives Against Neo-Liberalism

Second International gathering for Humanity and against Neoliberalism 1997

Another Page
on the Second International gathering for Humanity and against Neoliberalism, 1997

UE International Solidarity Page
United Electrical Workers Union and links to the FAT (Free Trade Unions) in Mexico.

Statement by Subcommandante Marcos
concerning the Freeing the Media Teach-In organized by the Learning Alliance, Paper Tiger TV, and FAIR in Cooperation with the Media & Democracy Congress, January 31 & February 1 1997

The Struggle Continues
Links to the Zapatista's, MRTA, Cuba Solidarity and North American political prisoners

The Failed Experiment
NAFTA After three Years
Economic Policy Institute

Border Crossings
NAFTA, RegulatoryRestructuring, and the Politics of Place

Manufacturing in Honduras
Home page of Hondoruian capitalism praising NAFTA, Free Trade Zones and cheap labour

Free Trade in the America's
NAFTA, the Caribbean Basin Initiative, praises for the New Imperialism
US Government site

NAFTA: Setting the Record Straight
Pro-NAFTA report from the Brookings Institute

Resources For Opposing Transnational Corporations
and the New World Order

Multinational Monitor On Line

Center For International Social Studies

The International Forum on Globalization

Transnational Corporate Researchand General Research Resources

Interhemispheric Resource CenterResource Center Bulletin,

McSpotlight Home Page
MacDonalds and other Corporate baddies resource site, boycotts & corporate campaigns

People Centered Development Forum

Corporate Fakes
Anti-Environmental Groups

Ed Brown's Political Economy Archive

Along Came the Transnationals
"Let them eat globaloney"

The Capitalist Threat
Atlantic Monthly article by George Soros

When Corporations Rule The World

Ending Corporate Governance

A little history by Todd C. Settimo

The Corporate Governance Site
is designed to provide a springboard for explorations and discussions concerning the movement to enhance wealth by creating more democratic forms of corporate governance

Corporate Responsibility: The Changing Environment

Corporate Welfare

The Age of Heretics

Consumer Labelling
Testimony of Lori Wallach Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch

The Non-Partisan Center For Responsive Politics Home Page

A Political Opportunity for America

Is Everything For Sale?
The American Prospect On Line March/April 97

Understanding Risk
Informing Decisions in a Democratic Society

Globalization and the New World Order

Welcome to World Citizens' Forum
"Where Are We All Going?"

Globalization: Myth vs. Reality
by Ramesh Diwan Professor of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180

Globalization through Localization
Toshiba Globalization Strategy

G7 Press Statement
Making a success of globalization for the benefit of all

Environment And Globalization: a Brazilian view
by Antonio A. Dayrell de Lima (Head of the Environment Department of the Ministry of External Relations of Brazil)

The Globalization of Information Technology Companies in Taiwan

A Global Perspective on Current Regulatory Reforms
Rejection, Relocation, or Reinvention?

Globalization and Islamic Political Economy

Social Policy in a Global Society
Parallels and Lessons from the Canada–Latin America Experience

CHINA and the WTO

Globalization and Its Organizational Implications
The ABB Experience

Health Systems in an Era of Globalization
Challenges and Opportunities for North America

Corporate Responsibility & Entrepreneurship
A Youth Insight Based on the 1992 AIESEC Global Theme Conference - Rome, Italy

World Bank proposals for Privatization
Globalization and Development

Capitalism Today and Capitalism Tommorow

Building for Tomorrow:
Global Enterprise and the U.S. Construction Industry (1988)

International Capitalist Institutions
and Trading Bloc Home Pages

European Union Home Page

G7 Home Page

IMF Home Page

OECD Home Page

NATO Home Page

World Trade Organization Home Page

World Bank Home Page

International Institute of Bankers Home Page

UPDATED: 12/08/97
Original page design copyright © 1997 Eugene W. Plawiuk
Background courtesy of Little Wing Clip Art

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