Yes, my last name really IS Mushrush. I'm Christopher Eric Mushrush, born December 16, 1972. I originally came from the Onarga, Illinois area. I married Sheri Miller on June 21, 1997 (click here for a photo of us at the wedding reception).
I am currently a graduate student at Illinois State University where I majored in economics. I am currently in Doctoral work in the Educational Administration discipline, with a concentration in higher ed. This year I am excited to be teaching as a non-tenured faculty member in the economics department. Though it's not tenured, it's a foot in the door, and it gives me experience for the job search after the dreaded dissertation. My ultimate goal is to work as an administrator while still teaching once or twice a year. It seems that the biggest complaint between faculty and admin is that many faculty feel that administrators are "out of touch" with the academic side of the university. I firmly believe that higher-level administrators should be required to teach at least one class a year to keep current with the students and their needs.
I am also involved with the Student Government at Illinois State. I am the past President of the Graduate Student Association and have served as the liaison to NAGPS, the VP, and the Treasurer. The GSA actively works with a number of organizations to better graduate student life here. We were privileged to have received the award for the Most Outstanding Graduate Student Organization in the Nation in 2000!!!! WOOWOO!!! We have a page up for the Graduate Student Association. Check out . I am also a past Academic Senator at the University
I was formerly a cadet at the U.S. Air Force Academy but voluntarily left before I finished my Junior year out there. I majored in Computer Sciences and was shooting for a slot in pilot school. I must honestly say that the Academy was one of the most thrilling experiences in my life so far.
Most people ask why I left when I was almost all the way through it. The full explanation takes too long -- I had some personal differences with the military in general (not the Academy...the military). Instead of simply staying in, graduating, and getting out after 6 years (and using over $250,000 in taxpayers' money in the process), I chose to leave when I did, incur only a 2 year commitment, and get on with my life. Still, I will always hold a place in my heart for the Academy and for those who attended it.
When I became a member of the Graduate Student Government here at Illinois State, I decided to run for the newly-created NAGPS liaison position and was elected. I have a feeling that this was one of the better decisions of my life. I attended the national conference in Boston in Mid November 1998 and was introduced to an entirely mind-boggling organization. Never in my dreams would I have anticipated that I would take the realm of the Midwest Regional Coordinator and subsequently travel to Washington, DC to lobby Congress on behalf of Graduate Students across the nation. As luck would have it, I was there during the Senate Impeachment trial of President Clinton and was able to watch a couple of hours of the proceedings from within the Senate Gallery!!!! I have lobbied on two other occasions since and have absolutely loved it! Though the meetings do not always go as well as hoped, it is impressive to see the political system work. There might a little politics in my future...only time will tell.
With my thesis coming up that fall (1999), I filled out my term as the regional coordinator and took on a less-stressful job as the state coordinator for Illinois for NAGPS. But, against my better judgment, I filled in for the Regional Coordinator, who tragically was involved in an auto accident and was unable to continue the duties. I ran and was successfully elected as the Midwest regional coordinator at the 2000 national conference in Columbus, OH. I served until November, 2000, when I made the decision to concentrate more on my career. During that national conference, held in Nashville, I was approached by a number of members calling for me to run for President. As honored and as humbled as I was, I had to decline. I thought I might be able to make a run for the position at the 2001 national conference but have since determined that the best course of action is to not follow this path. I am slowly moving away from NAGPS; however, it is a good group with good intentions, and I wish it the best of luck!
I also spend a little free time online doing what I had dreamed of doing since I was in grade school --- flying. I have a combined 20 hours of flight time in a glider and in a T-41 (modified Cessna 172) while at the Academy, with solo flights in both. Since I cannot afford to fly in real life, I do a little simulated flying. When the page is finally up, check out my Flight Sim Page.
am also a huge Jimmy Buffett fan! I tend to live and thrive under stress,
but Buffett's music is one of the few things that really calms me down. My
wife and I are members of the Central Illinois
Parrot Head Club, where a lot of folks get together, have fun, and raise
money for charities. Their biggie, the annual Live by the Lake event,
draws huge crowds to help benefit Easter Seals. This year, they invited St.
Somewhere to play...let me tell you...these guys are awesome!!!!!!
True fans of this group will smile when I mention the Mailman Song. Ya
gotta see them to understand. I even bring Buffett into the classroom!!
© 1999, 2000, 2001
Last updated on 12 June 2001.