IBA alumni


Welcome to the first online IBA Alumni Database !

The database is listed by year of graduation, geographical location and by specialty. Those alumni whose email addresses were available to me have hyperlinks created from their names to allow mailing.

This list is by no means complete or without errors. People move on, change locations, specialties and paths; it is obviously impossible to keep tabs on everyone. Inaccuracies are therefore inevitable. Corrections will be highly appreciated in order to keep this database up-to-date.

What purpose is this database to serve? Good question. Over the last few months I've received a large volume of email inquiring about some alumnus or the other. The inquirers have been fellow alumni, recent and remote friends as well as those wishing to make new acquaintances. Therefore it is anticipated that this database will serve as a means to bring the alumni closer to the world and vice versa. For obvious reasons, personal addresses and telephone numbers (except those available in public domain or approved by individual) will not be posted on the web site, but office and email addresses will.

Anyone who has any objection at being named on the web site, or having their email address listed is welcome to let me know and your name (and / or email address) will be removed. We respect the privacy of individuals!!

In the same light, those who have email addresses and would like to have them listed please email me and I'll be happy to put it online.

As always, comments, suggestions, criticisms are welcome!


Alumni by Years


Alumni by Geographical Location


Alumni not found on this web site


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