MBA Program

IBA Morning Program offers a full time two-year program leading to a Masters in Business Administration - MBA. The program consists of 60 credit hours spread over 20 one-semester courses. Courses of 3 credit hours each and 4 non-credit courses.

Courses of Study for MBA

First Semester

Second Semester

Financial Accounting

Cost Accounting



Principles of Management

Personnel Management

Business Communication

Principles of Marketing

Statistics & Mathematics for Management

Statistical Inference



Computer Orientation and Packages

Computer Application to Business


Third Semester

Fourth Semester

Managerial Accounting

International Economics

Introduction to Business Finance

Financial Management

Methods in Business Research

Managerial Policy

Marketing Management

Elective I


Elective II



Sources of Information

Business & Society



Advanced Accounting


Analysis of Financial Statements

Export Marketing

Security Analysis

Consumer Behavior

Operations Research

Sales Management

Production Management

Seminar in Marketing


The BBA (Hons.) degree holders from IBA can complete the program in one year by taking the following courses of MBA 3rd and 4th semester.


Third Semester

Fourth Semester

Managerial Accounting

Financial Management

Personnel Management

Managerial Policy

Marketing Management

Computer Application to Business

Elective I

Elective I

Elective II

Elective II



Students have to take three electives to complete the required number of semester credits. Permission to take an elective in any field is granted to a student on the basis of his/her performance in previous semesters’ courses, especially in the related basic courses.

Students with good grades in their first two semesters and good writing ability may be permitted to write a thesis in lieu of two electives to be offered in the third and fourth semester. The permission is, however, given on formal application to the Dean or Director in the first week of the third semester.

Two years of full time work is necessary to complete the course work for MBA. During this period, students are not allowed to undertake any part-time employment or business of any kind, except the internship arranged through the placement office of the Institute, which is a degree requirement.

Students can carry a maximum course load of fifteen credit hours during a semester. In their last semester, however, students may be permitted to enroll for eighteen credits if that number is required for completing the course work for the MBA degree.

Besides the twenty-four courses, MBA students have to pass the Comprehensive Examination as a partial requirement for the MBA degree.

IBA retains the flexibility of making changes in the course offerings and course contents.


BBA Program

The Morning Program offers a full time Honors program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA (Hons.). The program consists of 36 three credit hour courses (total 108 credits) which can be completed in 3 years.

Courses of Study for BBA

First Semester

Second Semester

Fundamentals of Accounting

Financial Accounting



Business English

Oral Communication

Human Behavior

Organizational Behavior

Introduction to Business Mathematics

Principles of Management

Computer Concepts

Mathematics for Business


Third Semester

Fourth Semester

Cost Accounting

Laws of Taxation

Introduction to Business Finance

Money and Banking


Business Communication

Personal Management

Business and Labor Laws

Principles of Marketing

Office and Records Management

Elements of Statistics

Statistical Inference


Fifth Semester

Sixth Semester

Social and Economic Philosophy of Islam

International Economics

Comparative Management

Development Economics

Small Business Management

Competitive Analysis

Production Management

Methods of Business Research

Elective I

Elective I

Elective II

Elective II


Field of Major Concentration



Advanced Accounting

Security Analysis

Analysis of Financial Statements

Corporate Finance

Income Tax Accounting

Seminar in Finance


International Financial Management

Seminar in Accounting





Banking Law and Practice

Sales Management

International Banking

Personal Selling

Project Evaluation

Advertising Management

General Banking Procedures

Consumer Behavior

Investment Banking

Industrial Marketing


Export Marketing


Seminar in Marketing



Students have to take two electives each in the fifth and sixth semester to complete the required 108 credits.

Three years of full-time studies is necessary to complete the course work required for BBA (Hons.). During this period, students are not allowed to undertake any part-time employment or business of any kind, except the internship arranged through the placement office of the Institute, which is a degree requirement.

Students can carry a maximum course load of eighteen credit hours during a semester. In their last semester, however, students may be permitted to enroll for twenty-one credits if that number is required for completing the course work for the BBA (Hons.) degree.

BBA (Hons.) graduates from IBA are entitled for admission to the final year of the MBA program, provided their cumulative GPA is atleast 2.2. Deficiency in one course of BBA (Hons.) program that is not a required course of MBA 1st year is condoned, the candidates are allowed to register themselves in the MBA program. However, the BBA (Hons.) and MBA degrees are awarded only after the removal of deficiency in the BBA (Hons.) Program.

BBA (Hons.) graduates from IBA can transfer to the CCS to obtain MBA in Management Information Systems.

The entire package of three years is treated as one single academic program, and therefore no student is eligible to "pass" degree on completion of two years.

IBA retains the flexibility of making changes in the semester wise offering of the courses and course contents. In addition, to meet the needs of business and industry, IBA can replace any course or add new vocational packages.


Summer Internship

The IBA Placement office arranges internships for the final year MBA and BBA students during the summer holidays. The summer internship is a requisite for both the BBA and MBA degrees. The direct MBAs thus gain atleast 6 weeks of job experience while the students going through the BBA/MBA programs gain atleast 12 weeks job experience in qualifying for their degrees.

Students find the summer work experience valuable in testing out what they have learnt at IBA. It gives them practical exposure to the corporate environment and the business scenario. Students come back better equipped to appreciate the later courses in the light of the practical exposure.

Students often base their career decisions on the ‘hands on’ experience they obtain during their internship.

IBA’s internship program works as a liaison with the business and corporate sector. Interns bring useful feedback from the organizations about the quality of the interns and the course material being taught at IBA.

Besides, information is also received by faculty members from the respective supervisors of these intern. On the bases of this information, IBA designs and implements necessary changes.

Organizations find IBA interns productive in carrying out market research projects and feasibility studies besides the daily routine work. They also get an opportunity to evaluate prospective employees.

 MBA (MIS) Program

 MBA (MIS) is a 2 years plus 2 months regular morning program aimed at preparing computer professional with sound foundation in functional areas of business as well. The program offers a blend of computer and business related courses spread over four semesters of class room teaching and practical sessions on the computers.

 The computer related courses would provide training in the areas of Business Systems Design, Data Base Management, Programming Language under Micro, Mini and Mainframe computers’ environment.

 The business related courses cover areas in Management, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Marketing, Quantitative techniques and Business Research.


Courses of Study for MBA (MIS)

First Semester

Second Semester

Financial Accounting

Systems Analysis and Design

Principles of Management

Programming Language -- C

Statistical Inference and Mathematics for Management

Business Communications

Computer Concepts

Business Economics

Microcomputers & BASIC

Managerial Accounting

COBOL Programming

Introduction to Financial Management


Summer Semester

Cost Accounting


Third Semester

Fourth Semester

Computer Applications to Business

Data Base/Data Communication

Programming Language -- RPG

Programming Workshop

Methods in Business Research

Managerial Policy

Behavioral Sciences for Management

Project Evaluation

Marketing Management






After the completion of the third semester, the students are required to undergo 6 to 8 weeks Internship in business organizations. Upon completion of their Internship the students are required to submit Internship reports.



Upon the successful completion of course work (at the end of the 4th semester), the students are required to work on graded computer projects individually for two months. During this period, the students are assigned to various computer organizations where they are to design new computer applications in their respective organizations. Like the Internship, the students are required to submit comprehensive reports.

The performance of students, during the period of Internship and Project is evaluated on the basis of reports, presentations and assessment by the respective supervisors.


Comprehensive Examination

In addition to passing the above specified courses, MBA (MIS) students are required to pass the Comprehensive Examination (held after the fourth semester) as an essential requirement for the MBA (MIS) degree.


  MBA (Banking) Program

The MBA Banking Program, a full time two year course work, consists of 60 credit hours spread over 20 courses of 3 credit hours each and 4 non-credit courses.

 Courses of Study for MBA (Banking)

First Semester

Second Semester

Financial Accounting

Introduction to Business Finance

Principles of Management


Statistics and Mathematics for Management

Financing of International Trade

Practice and Law of Banking

Principles of Marketing


Statistical Inference

Computer Orientation and Packages - Non credit

Business Communication - Non credit


Third Semester

Fourth Semester

Managerial Accounting

Retail Banking / Islamic Banking

Project Evaluation

Financial Management

Methods in Business Research

Managerial Policy

Management of Human Resources

Credit and Marketing

Treasury and Funds Management

Investment Banking

Computer Application to Business - Non Credit

 Analysis of Pakistani Industries/Current Issues in Banking - Non credit


Two years of full time work is necessary to complete the course work for MBA. During this period, students are not allowed to undertake any part-time employment or business of any kind, except the internship arranged through the placement office of the Institute, which is a degree requirement.

Students can carry a maximum course load of fifteen credit hours during a semester. In their last semester, however, students may be permitted to enroll for eighteen credits if that number is required for completing the course work for the MBA degree.

Besides the twenty-four courses, MBA students have to pass the Comprehensive Examination as a partial requirement for the MBA degree.

IBA retains the flexibility of making changes in the course offerings and course contents.



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