The Leo

July23 - August23

This is Leos StarsStone (Planet Stone)

This is Leos Birthstone

The Planet associated with Leo is the Sun

Leisure Time

Leos prefer to play in groups rather then solo,  In love relationships, Lep tops the charts in almost every area, from devotion to romance.

Traditional Leo Traits

Generous and warm hearted
Creative and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithrul and loving

On the dark side

Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolerant

The Element associated with Leo is Fire

This is Shataniaa I adopted her from:
Amanda's Guardians
Click on her link to get your own Guardian Please do not take mine Thank you

Leos Color is



The Astrological symbol of Leo is the Lion,  The Lion is the king of the Breasts, and Leos enjoy being treated as the kings and queens of the zodiac.  Like the lion Leos have great Physical strength and stamina they tend to be opinioated, but they have stong ability to see thier projects through to the end

Likes and Dislikes


Speculative ventures
Lavish Living
Pageantry and Grandeur


Doing things safely
Ordianry, day to day living
Small minded people
Penny pinching
Mean spiritedenss


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