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Some interesting mail again this week, most of it nice, much of it affirming us Oldies in our fight for Cyber-identity, others concerned with women's interests, ...others in need of help!....and surely they have come to the right place, Oldies!.

From Chris Parsons
Date: June 1st., 2000
subject:the corporeal locksteps of place, colour, gender, culture, economic status, education, appearance, age.

"Freed from the corporeal locksteps of place, colour, gender, culture, economic status, education, appearance, age.."? I think not.
Have you not seen the acronym 'ASL?' in chat rooms? Age? Sex? Location? - also, sometimes, Race?
Even if you fake your answer to these queries, or choose to ignore them, people are talking with you on the assumption that you conform to certain corporeal criteria. Even if they don't make their concerns explicit, they underlie their thinking about you. Don't delude yourself.

From Brian & Heather Uhl Guides to TV Comedy

Hi Robin

Hey, this is a nice site! We're happy to include it in the TV Comedy Net Links at If you'd like to visit and check out your listing, we've placed it in our "Best New Links" section
It will soon be added to the appropriate category in our library of resources.

If you're not already familiar with our site, we'd appreciate it if you'd take a look through it and consider linking back to it from your page.There are graphics and information provided .

As well, we offer one of the best (and easiest) affiliate programs available where you get paid to link to our site. You can find out more about it in our article!

Again, congratulations on a nice job. We hope we can hear from you in the future - we're always glad to get feedback and suggestions.

Brian & Heather

Brian & Heather Uhl Guides to TV Comedy

From Kees Kok,
Date: Tuesday, 2 November 1999 ,
Subject: Trivia.

Hi,I'm kees from Amsterdam,The Netherland's.
I am a mad trivia-fan.
I was on your site and I loved it, So i'm sending you these files.
I think you might like them :-)
I also hope you have some for me too...that would be great.
My adress is
I hope to hear soon of you.

trivia-greetings from Amsterdam :-)

From Dub
Date: Tuesday, 2 February 1999
Subject: Hello from US

I was just surfing around and found you. I'm just starting to plan a visit to your country and am looking for local chat sites, message boards, Just plain sites of interest pertaining to Australia, Personal Homepage directories like the one I found you on. Please write back, I'm such a rookie on the net and any help you could give me would be appreciated.


From Frank Diangelo From Philadelphia, Pa. USA.
Website: Franks AWE Music
Time: 1999-01-11 23:14:38
Dear Robin,
I found some free time today and thought I would do something for you. I had the music for a few pieces of Mendelssohn's work and used one to make a special arrangement for you. Keep in mind. I did not play this I only arranged it from the music, but it is unique in the fact it is done in an orchestral arpeggio style, over 11 minutes long and done on grand piano. I create a brass, clavinet and viola background. I am sending it with a screen shot of the song in the sequencing program to show you the embedded message that it was arranged for you in the copyright section where I placed your name,the song title and the compose.
This will only be seen through a sequencing program or "NoteWorthy Player" which can be downloaded on the net for free. Noteworthy even shows the music notation while the song is playing.

From Bargoth from AOL
8/11/1998 1:50
Subject: Pigs don't fly...
Dear Robin Knight,
I just finished reading your wonderful, and in-depth review on Mary Brown's Pigs don't fly...and, like yourself, I picked it up just before Halloween. I hope to have it finished sometime soon. (I've re-checked it out from the Library three times now...what with work and my own isn't easy to just SIT and read.)
So far, I'm enjoying the story and the characters. I was curious as to how the animals 'communicated' with Summer...was it speaking English naturally, or a translation of sorts...(now I know...with the Ring of the Unicorn.)
The dog's philosophy, so far, has me in stitches; on humans listening to other animals...'You expects us to learn how to speak, but when we tries, you tells us to shut up.' I sometimes wonder just how true that is.
I hope Mary Brown is continuing with her story-telling. So far, I'm hooked. She has a wonderful mastery of detail, which indicates she certainly does her homework. Something I intend to be more cognizant of. I'm currently writing about a dragon, and his misfortunes along his way through life.
Like Ms. Brown, I enjoy telling stories of the 'unlikely heroes' ...their trials and triumphs.
Well, just thought I'd return comment on your wonderful summary of Pigs don't fly...but DRAGONS (heh) do.
Take care.
Have you read Chrys Cymri's 'Dragons Can only Rust' ? It, too, is a thought-provoking and highly-entertaining story about a dragon, and his band of companions. Though not as many as Summer's, the dragon, a woman, and an android set search of the dragon's soul.


From Harald Johnson, who sends us so many of those gruesome Shequotes:

Subject: My homepage
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998
How are things with you?
I had mailed you back in December regarding my first homepage ever. Apparently you never got it.
Well, now I have a new, better site!
Collages; Funny Typos and Strange Cuttings; Quotes.
And I have a nice link to your page!
Maybe you could reciprocate?
All the best from

CelticSoul, from Seattle, Washington-USA,
Time: 1997-12-04
Only 40 and almost 2...
Not 50 yet....twill have to do.
But, in words I live and sing my song..
So, be I old or far too young
Forgive my hope of starting here..
A bit of whimsical love and cheer.
And, if by chance my age is less...
I hope you'll let the other's guess.
But, tis my way of sharin' place...
At the table of friends in Cyberspace!!

Hmmm..well, folks..over to you, I'd say!!

From Yaeko Sawada from Japan
Time: 1997-09-26
Hello!! Your homepage is really cool. I'm Japanese housewife.I'm 44years old. I went to Australia three years ago. Your country is very beautiful. I want to go to there once more. Sorry I good not English.Do you understand my message?
Please write your message to my e-mail. bye-bye.

Time: 1997-10-02
From Katie from Canada.
Website: KaZRa's Women of the 90's Page
Comments: I am not over 50, I am however 30:) hehe..Nice page, keep up the good work:)

From Diane,From: North Carolina, US
Website: Diane's Old McDonald Page
Am enjoying your page, 'specially like your refrigerator page. Will come back.

Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997
From: Mark Grindell
Dear Robin,
A long time ago, when I was a boy, I was told by my chemistry teacher that there was a whole series of stories called collectively, "the unorthodox engineers", which were really clever thought provoking mystery type stories cunningly using real physics and a bit of story to entertain. I wonder if you could point me to a collection of these?
My late brother in law did have just one story, which was about a planet with a satellite within the crust of the planet on which all manner of bizzare phenomena were observed.
Yours sincerely, Mark Grindell.

From: Del Witt, from Lebanon,Oregon, USA
Time: 1997-08-28
This is an amazing site!! The best I've found in the year I've been on the net.
I really got a late start with the puter thing, am 71 years old this year, now I'm addicted...
Durty Del

Date:Fri, 29 Aug 1997
From:Shelley Frangos
Hi Robin,
I loved your web pages! It was really great to find someone who surfs in my age group. Keep up the good work, your site is very valuable to us 50+'ers.
I went back to school at 40 to learn Computers - figured that would be a secure career (ha!). I now am a self-employed Computer Support and Training Consultant, specializing in Home Computer users and Home-Based Businesses in Southern Ontario, Canada. I work with many 50+'s. Their main complaint is that the young sales/support people at the computer stores/isp's talk way over their heads! I guess I can just relate better to the frustrations, and excitement we can feel at learning a new technology.
Thanks again for the great site. I'll be back!

Shelley Frangos
PC Support Service & Training
My EMail Address:

From Marine, from: Texas.
Date: 1997-08-25
Comments: I LOVE IT!!!! You are an inspiration to us! Keep up the good work....There may be hope for we of little computer knowledge! Now that the grandkids have gone home for's grandma's turn!! I am so glad I visited your page!!!!

Date: Saturday,June 28th.,1997.
From: chaya srivatsa,from India : It was interesting indeed, reading about Australian women.Would you like to write about Indian women too? I am the founder of Guild of women achievers and if you are interested, can tell you more about it, for your readers!
Sunday 29 June 1997
Hi Robin,It was good fun reading your page.Isn't it amazing that I am sitting in my room in India and am communicating with you in Australia!Cyber pals!I do not have a home page yet but hope to get one soon.Meanwhile, do you think I could, through your page, communicate with women about what we do in the Guild Of Women Achievers, in India? Please let me know how you feel about it.
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997
Dear Robin
Thank you for the offer.I promise mine is a clean and wholesome organisation devoted to making women feel safe strong and free.We do this by helping them upgrade their skills and become economically independent so they do not get exploited.We are currently holding a contest to choose the best mother-in-law of India by inviting nominations from daughters-in-law.This is to reduce the social evil of dowry in Indian society.There is more like this and if you give me a little space in your home page, I could tell you more!

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sounds interesting, Oldies...I think we'll take her up on her offer!

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