1:-Which film, starring an actor who has often played Biblical roles, was based on a story title "Make Room!Make Room"?

2:-Which famous writer of fantasy served as the Merton Professor of English at Oxford University from 1995 to 1959?

3:-Where would one find a Heffalump?

. 4:- Author and title please: The first in a series of novels about a society which utilizes the human voice as a mining tool, and which values perfect pitch above all other human talents...

5:-Identify the quotation:

"...Must we drag on this stupid existence forever,

So idle and weary,so full of remorse,

While every one else takes his pleasure, and never

Seems happy unless he is riding a horse?"

6:- Which naturalized American citizen, whose work interweaves social realism with fantasy, began his writing career on the New York City Yiddish language newspaper, the `Jewish Daily Forward'?

7:- Which classic sci-fi by a living author has just been made into a computer game that promises to be a bestseller?

8: In Susan Cooper's superb "Dark Is Rising" series, the first book failed to achieve the impact of later titles and is thus less well known. What is this first work called?

9: Date and title please:

"... There was a ---------
A very strange enchanted -----------
They say he wandered
Very Far, very far
Over land and sea......."

10:-In the 1950's, the Vargo Statten Science Fiction Magazine, which became the British Science Fiction Magazine was dismissed by many as "juvenile superscience". Who was Vargo Statten?

11:- In the early 1950's, a book by a psychiatrist was widely circulated in Britain and the United States, contributing to the widespread banning of horror and fantasy comics. What was that book?

12:- From the pen of which well-known author did the terms, ` Big Brother' , `Unperson', and `doublethink' enter the vernacular?

13:- In 1947, Sci-Fi fan, William L. Crawford, started the `Fantasy Road Magazine', which was to run for four years. Which Golden Oldie Author was discovered and established by this publication?

14:- In the late 1930's, a science-fiction fan club experienced the dubious distinction of having six of its most prominent members banned from attending the First World Science Fiction Convention. What did the group call itself?

15:- WHO SAID IT? " Science fiction readers are addicts, but they are active addicts, positive enthusiasts who are conscious, often all too conscious of being a specialized minority, highly vocal, and given to banding together in fan clubs........

16:-In the early 80's, Australian Jessica Anderson wrote "Tirra Lirra By The River". But who SANG" Tirra Lirra By The River" ?

17:- In The long-running series,"Dr WHO", which actor first played the part of the zany doctor?

18:-What was the name of the legalized mind-altering substance freely ingested in `Brave new World'?

19:How many eyes did the 'Purple People Eater have?

20:-What better-known work expanded and enlarged on a short story titled ` The Sentinel'?

21: What Agatha Christie title is taken from a line in Tennyson's "Lady Of Shalott"?

22: Fill the gap: " The ______ and the Stars" by Patricia Wrightson

23: Which 1961 novel is described as 'A Russian 2001'?

24: On which original sci-fi novel is the film,"Village of the Damned" based?

25: A 1956 novel was later made into a highly publicized movie, during whose filming Ava Gardner was heard to describe exactly what she thought about Melbourne, Australia. Can you identify the film, book and author'?

26: After years as an accclaimed short story writer, Nebula Award winner, James Tiptree Jnr., finally published a novel in 1978. What was it called?

27: In the 1060's, the "Orbit" series of well-bound volumes published the best short stories from the best scifi and fantasy writers of the day. Who compiled these anthologies?

28: In what year did the first Cordwainer Smith short story appear in print?

29: Sam Youd, a talented scifi/fantasy writer of the 50's, is now much better known by which penname ?

30: Fill the gap: "One -------- Spring" by Ray Bradbury, 1943.

> 31:-Before Sherlock Holmes became his main character, Arthur Conan Doyle tried his hand at sci-fi. Can you identify his 1891 novel about alchemic gold?

32:Which well-known opera is based on a science fiction short story,`The Sandman'?

33:-Which famous science fiction novel began its published career as a 3 part serial,`The Chronic Argonauts', in the Science Schools Journal?

34:-Which author, writing in German, devised a short story about a man who wakes to find himself a giant cockroach?

35:Complete the names of these familiar sci-fi characters:

---- ROGERS; FLASH -------; ----- BRADFORDD; --- MORGAN.

36:-Which U.S. Astronaut now co-writes bestselling science fiction, the last novel a 560 page blockbuster published in 1996?

37:-Fill the gaps and identify the quote:
"...And as in ------thought he stood,
The ----------, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the ------- wood,
And burbled as it came..."

38:- In 1926, Austrian film director, Fritz Lang, presented a silent scifi film depicting a city of the future, where society has been separated into two distinct classes. What was the film?

39:- Which famous scifi writer died the same day as did President Kennedy?

40:-Which 17 year-old scifi fan was selected to replace veteran David Lassen as Editor of `Wonder Stories' in 1933?

41: Which famous fantasy and sci-fi writer also wrote an immensely popular 2 volume historical work in 1920?

42: Under which pioneer film director was Jules Verne's work first translated into cinematic form?

43: In the recent film,"Dragonheart", whose voice is given to the dragon?

44: Fill the gap,..."An Adventure On___________" , by J. Harvey Haggard.

45: In the 2nd Century A.D., which Greek satirist wrote about an imaginary voyage to the moon?



51: Bela Lugosi played Dracula in two movies. One was called Dracula. What was the other?

52: In Groundhog Day,what is the profession of the character played by Bill Murray?

53: What was the first science-fiction comic book series?
54: Casper, The Friendly Ghost has a ghost horse for a friend. What is her name?>

55: What caused the Incredible Shrinking Man to shrink?

56: Who wrote the novel on which the film, Solaris is based?

57: What film is based on the story, Farewell to The Master, by Henry Bates?

58: In the film, Soylent Green, which popular actor, who knew he was dying in real life, played out a poignant farewell scene? ..............

59: In which low-budget science-fiction thriller did Clint Eastwood make his screen debut?

60: Which cast member of Lost In Space became a regular on Babylon 5?


1:- Soylent Green with Charlton Heston
2:- J.R.R.Tolkein.
3:- In the Enchanted Forest, below Christopher Robin's house, in A.A.Milne's "House At Pooh Corner" series.
4:- The Crystal Singer, by Anne McCaffrey.
5:- The Nutcrackers And The Sugartongs by Edward Lear.
6:- Isaac Bashevis Singer
7:-Rendevous With Rama by Arthur C. Clarke.
8:- Over Sea, Under Stone
9:- Nature Boy, 1948.
10:-John Russell Fearn.
11:- Seduction Of The Innocents by Dr Frederic Wertham.
12:- 1984, by George Orwell.
13:- Cordwainer Smith.
14:- The Futurian Society Of New York, known asThe Futurians
15:- Kingsley Amis.
16:- Sir Lancelot in Tennyson's Lady Of Shalott
17:- William Hartnell, in the 60's.
18:- Soma.
19:- ONE.
20: 2001: A Space Odyssey, by Arthur C. Clarke.
21: "The Mirror Cracked From Side To Side."
22: Nargun.
23: " Solaris", by Stanislaw Lem.
24: "The Midwich Cuckoos", by John Wyndham.
25: "On The Beach", by Nevil Shute.
26: "Up The Walls Of The World', 1978).
27: Damon Knight.
28: 1928.
29: John Christopher.
30: "One Timeless Spring".
31:~The Doings Of Raffles Haw'.
32:`The Tales Of Hoffman',
33:`The Time Machine'.
34: `Metamorphosis', by Franz Kafka, 1916.
35: Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Brick Bradford, Jet Morgan.
36: Buzz Aldrin.
37: UFFISH thought, JABBERWOCK with eyes of flame, TURGID wood;
Quote from `Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll.
38: `Metropolis'.
39: Aldoux Huxley.
40 Charles D. Hornig.
41: H.G.Wells.
42: George Melies.(sorry about the acute and grave accents)
43: Sean Connery.
44: "Eros".
45: Lucian.
51: Abbot And Costello Meet Frankenstein
52: Television Weatherman
53: Buck Rogers
54: Nightmare
55: A mysterious , glowing fog
56: Stanislav Lem

57: The Day The Earth Stood Still
58: Edward G Robinson
59: Revenge Of The Creatures
60: Bill Murray



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