HIS/WSP302: Women in American History
Table of Contents:
- Barbara Welter, "The Cult of True Womanhood, 1820-1860" ...................................... 1
- Gerda Lerner, "The Lady and the Mill Girl: Changes in the Status of Women
in the Age of Jackson" ............................................................................................ 23
- Aileen S. Kraditor, "The Woman Question" ........................................................... 34
- The Fourteenth Amendment (U.S. Constitution) .................................................... 54
- Ellen Carol DuBois, "The Fourteenth Amendment and the American Equal
Rights Association" .................................................................................................. 55
- Letter by Frederick Douglass, 27 September 1868 ................................................ 69
- Margaret Susan Thompson, "Women and American Catholicism, 1789-1989" ......... 70
- Margaret Susan Thompson, "Sisterhood and Power: Class, Culture, and
Ethnicity in the American Convent" ............................................................................ 81
- Margaret Susan Thompson, "The Validation of Sisterhood: Canonical Status
and Liberation in the History of American Nuns" .......................................................... 95
- Emma Goldman, "The Tragedy of Woman's Emancipation" ................................... 116
- Emma Goldman, "Woman Suffrage" ................................................................... 122
- Emma Goldman, "The Traffic in Women" ............................................................. 129
- Mary Siegel, "'Crossing the Bar': A 'She' Lawyer in 1917" ...................................... 137
- G. I. Roundtable, Do You Want Your Wife to Work After the War? ...................... 144
- Ella Thompson vs. J. C. Aldredge, Louisiana vs. Mary Young
and Dawn DeBlanc................................................................................................ 166
- Barbara Gittings, "Founding the New York Daughters of Bilitis: 'It was a long,
hard journey'" .......................................................................................................... 168
- Joan Nestle, "The Fem Question" ....................................................................... 182
- Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique (excerpt) ................................................ 186
- Anne Koedt, "The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm" .................................................... 201
- Jesse L. Jackson, "Don't Forget About Racism" ................................................... 206
- Naomi Weisstein, "Woman as Nigger" ................................................................ 208
- General Comments & Suggestions for Writing Papers ....................................... 213
Page maintained by Margaret Susan Thompson. Created: 1/3/97 Updated: 1/6/98