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That's me. Blonde hair and all. My name is Tonda. I work in a predominantly male field as an Instrument Maintenance Technician. It's kinda lonely, being an androgynous person (I sure have had a lot of people looking for that word in the dictionary! ). You don't belong in the female world anymore, and you don't belong in the male world either.

For a while, I was second shift production support for the company I work for Bayer Corporation. It was my job to make sure the instrumentation is working properly so we can keep putting out things like Alka-Seltzer and One-A-Day, Flintstone and Bugs Bunny vitamins. I realized that this was the most I have worked with other women for about 9 years! Wow!
Now I'm back on first shift. First I went back to the main plant and worked in the Utility Zone. I took care of things like boiler instrumentation, FES screw compressors and other utility-type 'stuff'. Now I'm at the Middlebury St. Plant and am learning the electrical side of this job! So much to learn, but I really like it at the MSP. Too bad it won't last much longer. Bayer is moving a lot of our product to Mexico - I will be severed Dec-2002.
I was also a first time Grandma as of Oct. 15, 1998! I was my daughter's back-up coach and I went to Lamaze classes. Wish I would've known all this stuff when I was having my daughter! If you want to see pictures of Hunter, click here!!
He is full of energy and just a precious little baby. And NO! He is NOT spoiled!!!!
I purchased a digital camera for all those baby pictures (yes, another toy!)! It's a FujiFilm MX-500 and I have been VERY happy with the pictures it has taken! Beautiful resolution! I have lots of learning to do with it - the big test is now with the baby here! All the pictures on his web page were taken with that camera - so decide for yourself!

Calling All Special Women!

Any women out there who work in a non-traditional field? E-mail me and let me know what you do!

Favorite Links

Silver Lake Racers
Electronic Postcards

Wanting to get in shape? Check out these sites!

Body for Life
A Lean and Strong Community - very helpful and supportive!
The Hussman site - lots of GREAT info!

Juno Free Internet E-mail
JunoTM Free Internet E-mail Service

Here Are Some Good Women's Links!

Non-traditional Employment Training for Women in Wisconsin

WEB Wizard's Favorite Links

Guide to Writing HTML
PC Magazine
Stock Market Quotes

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Isn't this just TOO COOL ?!?!