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Bytom, city of Magda's birth

Museum in the town of Bytom

Tom's city of his birth, San Antonio, Texas

Polish History

My Old High School - Dana Hills High

University of California, San Diego, my old Alma Mater

Al-Anon - Anonymous organization for families and friends of alcoholics

Dr. Julie A. Dickerson

John Dickerson

Little Tom's Home Page

My friend David's home site

My friend Jon's home site

Babylon 5

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Susan and I are collaborating on an advice page for busy women like us -- Mag and Suse Advice. Please be patient, we just started and not all the items are completed.

Instead of hassling with the crowded malls and parking problems, get your shopping done here -- at My Bookstore (together with I've included some book reviews, movie favorites, and some music CD classics.

I'm an avid Sci-Fi and some fantasy reader. On the following pages you'll find some of my personal reviews. See if you like some of my recommendations.
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I'm working on compiling all sorts of car advice -- from a woman's perspective and intended for women, mainly.

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