
BPW/WV 2003-2004 Goals

BPW/WV State Projects

BPW/WV has adopted two separate state projects for 2003-2004

By continuing to work on Women's Voting Issues, local
organizations will help West Virginia women register to vote, vote, and run for elected office.  More information about Women's Voting Issues is available through the WV Secretary of State's office at:

One of West Virginia's historic landmarks is being restored and BPW/WV is raising money to help.  The Mother's Day Shrine in Grafton, WV needs new furniture in a room that was originally restored as a BPW/WV project several years ago.  More information about the Mother's Day Shrine is available through their website at:

BPW/WV 2003-2004 Goals

The state goals as defined by the BPW/WV President are as follows:

  1. Streamline the organization and focus the efforts of the membership.
  2. Reduce the state imposed financial obligations required of local organizations.
  3. Increase the organization's visibility
  4. Support the state projects by helping to resotre the Mother's Day Shrine and by getting women to register, vote, and run for office.
  5. Conduct workshops and programming which promote strong BPW/WV leaders.
  6. Work to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information.