The Pregnancy HelpDesk
Month Nine: |
Main Menu | Month By Month Guide |You may experience a sense of fear or apprehension about the birth of your child. If you are a first time mom, you have probably heard everything that is imaginable about childbirth. My advice is to learn about the stages of labor, how to breathe and learn how to cooperate with your body. When you fear something the pain seems much more intense than it has to be.
These Are Things You May be Feeling:
Note: Some women get migraines or headaches because of TOO much sleep. If this is the case, try to regulate your sleeping patterns.
Development of Fetus:
By the end of this month, the fetus will be about 18-20 inches long and weighs about 7-7½ pounds. The fetus has less space to move around and you may notice less activity. The head of the fetus will drop down into the pelvic area, which is called lightening.
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