Welcome to my obsession.
My newest website.
Watch it grow...
First impressions are important. At least they are to me.
Pretty graphics are nice. Flashy java can be interesting to the eye. And, of course, content is obviously important.
Unfortunately, many people seem to have forgotten all about spelling words properly. And let's not even bring grammar into this.
I don't know about you, but when I am bombarded with misspelled words and sloppy editing my estimation of the site's worth begins to diminish immediately. If they can't spell or take the time to proofread, then how can I trust that the information they are giving me is correct?
I'm far from perfect when it comes to spelling and grammar and I've caught myself making some pretty stoopid mistakes now and then -- BUT THAT'S THE POINT!!! -- I've CAUGHT the mistakes (at least, most of them...). At the very least I make an effort to clean up any sloppy typing or phrasing.
It is my firm belief that everyone should have a copy of a dictionary next to the computer. And grammar books are a dime a dozen at used book stores. How hard can it be to proofread something you're going to put out there for the whole world to see? It should be part of the whole process.
Proper spelling and grammar. Duh.
Please do not apply if your site contains porn, racism, warez, illegal activities, hate, cruelty, or gratuitous use of any language you wouldn't utter in front of your 90 year-old grandmother even on a bet.
Reasonable download time:
Your site shouldn't have all the content on one (or several) large pages. Lots of pictures all displayed on one page take too long to load and will discourage visitors.
Understandable navigation:
Navigation links should work and take me to the correct area of your site. Pages that require the use of the "BACK" button instead of offering standard navigation options are not acceptable. Each page I visit must be linked to the site.
Readable text:
Will I be able to easily read the font and chosen text color on your background? If I can't read it, I can't evaluate it for the criteria of the award.
MINIMAL "Under Construction" warnings:
All good sites are constantly evolving. Some construction is okay, but most of the site should be complete.
Avoid broken links:
Occasionally, broken links pop up through no fault of the Webmaster/mistress due to outside links. However, care should be taken to keep these problems to a bare minimum. For example: webring images may be kept on your own server instead of depending on the manager of the ring to keep the image current. Broken images and lots of dead links are unacceptable.
Good quality content:
Your page should show your interests and not simply be a portal to other sites through lists of links. Show who *you* are - don't rely on everyone else to provide all of your content for you!
If you have music on your site there MUST be a way to turn it off.
Unacceptable topics:
No sites which promote illegal activities, pornography, hate, cruelty, hacking, or warez.
Finally, if I do choose your site for the award, all I ask is that you display the award with a link back to my site. The HTML code provided will open a new browser window. Your page will be listed on a "Winners Page" with a short description and, if you provide me with a banner, I will be happy to display that, too.
Okay, take a deep breath and go to
the next page to submit your application. Come on - I'll hold your hand. You can do it.
Be brave.