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These people are missed very much by there family and friends and they need our help to find them!!! So If you would like to help in there long awaiting battle go to the homepage to get your own banner to place on your page!!!


Go to this page to help stop the sickness in this world having to do with our animals! Just click on the pic above and it will take you to read just what they are doing to our animals after they are put to sleep! "GOD HELP THESE PEOPLE"


Please Help Free Tibet they can use all the voices they can to help get back what is rightfully their's! Click on the flag and find out ways to help them!!! Everyone whom believes in the freedom of religion and those whom believe in the freedom of speech and choice know how important this cause is, I know I do and there is still places in this world that does not have this freedom and that should worry all of us!!!!!

(Please Stop By And Meet My Family And Myself!

Here is some on my feathered "Family"!!!

Click on dancing birds to go to my Bird page!

Click on me if you can!!!

Hey all you FAHS Alumni if you are looking for anyone come here I am sure you will not be disappointed!

A Poem my Grandfather loved!!!!

This part of my page is dedicated to my Grandpa Dad whom loved and cared for everyone! Who took care of those in need and gave his very ounce of himself to see someone else happy! I LOVE YOU GRANDPA DAD! I miss you and you are always with me in my heart and being! I will carry on as you have always taught me too! I miss you every day Bye Bye!

If you are having problems with helping your child with math (you are not alone)! You feel like your at your wits end with not knowing how to go about helping them? Then here is a page for you!


Enter the Keyhole to get to my favorite links!

(Notice: You will see the tiger first on the other side!!!)

Take A Peak Into My Washington State Page!

Some Cute Images I spiced up a little with my kids names!!!

V.C. Andrews

This is just one of her many books but this is the beginning of them all!!!

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