Journey With Jesus
By Lisa Lu  (14th Oct, 1998)
Oh Lord, my life is a gift from You...My life journey, my gift to You!
As my life flashed back, ecstacy I felt   
Vast difference, from present and past   
Miracle survival, the day of my birth   
When finally I gasped, for a breath of air   
Childhood scars, in fear I bore   
Teenage awkwardness, I wallow in shyness   
My inadequacies so many, I disliked myself   
    My mind so active, with questions unanswered   
    "Why am I in this world?, What's the purpose of life?"   
    Mind so uncertain, heart so vulnerable   
    Like a jigsaw puzzle, that's left unfinished   
    There's a missing piece, to make me complete   
    Began the search, for an everlasting love   
    A pot of gold, at the rainbow's end
Then Jesus came, my perfect fit   
Cleared my misted vision, a mountain appears   
Breathtakingly glorious, majestic to behold   
A beautiful rainbow, stretching from the foot   
Up into cotton clouds, touching the shimmering top   
Overwhelming to attain, but hopeful in reaching   
My heart in thrill, eternal treasure in Heaven awaits  
    A new journey, my new beginning   
    His assuring words, repeating in my mind   
    "I will never leave you, nor forsake you" Heb 13:5   
    The ground I tested, gingerly with my toes   
    As I stroll along, with my bagpack on my back   
    The path was lovely, sprinkled with flowers   
    Rabbits scutter by, birds singing in the air
A river of swift current, I ventured unknowingly   
My eyes resting, on gold dust at the bank   
The moment's too good, I savoured longer   
Waving at Jesus, as He disappears from my sight   
Grieved by my conduct, He waits for me   
The Devil is watching, with a smirk on his face   
"Open your bagpack, I will show you more glory!"   
    Out came my torn shirts, my blood-stained hanky   
    Attracting lions and wolves, into my domain   
    Suddenly came night, enveloping me around   
    Gold dust were dust, in the chaos of gloom   
    Depression sieged me, as I reflect upon my state   
    I cried, "Deliver me Jesus, from the hands of my enemies"   
    Out shines Jesus, dissolving all darkness
Tears streamed down, I began to weep   
My whole being shook with sobs so deep,   
Bended on my knees, I cried for shame,   
For forgetting His sacrifice at Calvary   
With tear filled eyes, I saw Him stood   
His arms stretched out, to drawn me in   
I saw in His eyes, sorrow deeper than my own   
He whispers, "You are chosen and dearly loved" 1 Thes 1:4   
    "Forgetting what lies behind, reaching for what's ahead" Phil 3:13   
    My bagpack He took, and carried for me   
    Held my hands, in His nail bored Ones   
    I lifted my eyes, to the mountain peak,   
    Lowered my gaze at the jagged edge, unpredictable paths ahead of me   
    "You are a conqueror in all things through Me" Rom 8:37   
    Words so comforting, His presence even more
In Him I trust, my journey He controls   
Following wherever my Shepherd leads   
Looking at His creation, through His eyes of love   
Moments with Him, sprouts new understanding   
Across raging rivers, into fields of wild flowers   
His gifts of the Spirit, received with awe   
As He guides me to fish, with net and not rod   
    Through delightful forest, over steep boulders   
    Lessons to learn, in all circumstances   
    He comforts me gently, when I feel afraid   
    He carries me up, when I'm all worn out   
    Builds me a shade, from the scorching sun   
    Teaches me to soar, to overcome dark valleys   
    He knows the ways, He's been there before
My journey's not ended, still places to explore   
Always looking ahead, keeping with His pace   
The view I enjoy, the breeze keeps me cool   
My needs He provides, my blessings He pours   
His words as guide, lighting up my path   
New adventures encountered, He's there to share   
    Knight in shining armour, jewels in my sight   
    Could never compare, to what He is to me   
    My Friend, my Companion, my Brother, my King   
    All I once thought great, I lay them at His feet   
    I count them lost, compared to Him   
    My Saviour and my Lord, my All in all
 "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in
from this time forth, and even for evermore."  Psalms 121 (KJV)