Imagine this..

You stand before a sunlit path of matted leaves and pine needles. The smell of Roses and pine hang on the warm moist air. The leave rustle and snap as you walk along to a large clearing outlined by tall oaks who's massive arms reach high into the hevens. In the center sits a white stone alter, inviting, offering rest, and escape from this reality. You walk steadily toward the center and kneel facing north at the alter, the soft, cool breeze reminds you of why you are here. Song after joyous song fills the air around you as your worship fills the small cove with sweet praise. Your mind is a peace, your body restored, your heart is made whole again. You are alive, free, happy. The confines of society fall off like heavy chains a you dance your dance and sing your praise. Your body tingles with energy, vibrant and radient, moving with nature. You and it are one.

What led you to this place? Stories of hope, Myths, Legends? Perhaps the power of Magick, the gift of healing, and end to confusion. All the trouble, pains, and hurt that life heaves upon our shoulders hold us down untill all that is left is to lie down and die. You know this truth. Life has hit, cut, and beaten you as well as me. Spiritual bruises and a lifetime of wounds created in minutes. It is for the healing we all come. The taste of the power that created us, healed us, set us free, and made us able to walk tall and proud once more in a world where we are nothing. They despise us for what we have, what we have found, what we have become. They do not understand the peace we have found. The need for a place such as this. A place of hope, rest, and restoration.

You mind clears. Your soul breaths. This is your home. This is where you belong. The bitter taste of reality blended with the weight of responsibility draw you away. Children calling, the evening dinner, and laundry call you. dragging you sadly back into the humdrum rat race, away from your sacred home. Yet as you walk the sunlight path, covered with leaves and pine needles, and as you smell the Roses and pine, hear the leaves rustling and snapping under foot, you feel a joy inside you, and the comfort that you may always return.